2024 AI : 10 Things Coming In 2024 (A.I In 2024 Major Predictions)

2024 AI : 10 Things Coming In 2024 (A.I In 2024 Major Predictions)

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  1. AI is and never will be conscious in the same way a human being is. AI can never be truly alive in the same way a human being is. This is a basic fact and it is only an illusion that we see AI as sentient. Consider the Chinese room thought experiment.

  2. What will happen to businesses if no one can afford their products because too many got replaced by robots

  3. The way things are going there is no other outcome than skynet and terminators … road to hell is paved with good intentions and I'm afraid now it's too late to stop

  4. LLM's in video games is definitely right around the corner and the first game to pull it off will go viral. This is huge and represents the next big step in game AI development. In the beginning, I think it'll be isolated to dialogue responses.

  5. I see the future very promising for our local scammers and bad people imagine if a gang can get 100 of these robots they could do alot damn or 3d print them ????

  6. The way I see the situation is that we are all energy. Personally I am not scared and I have no fear.

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