460-How to Decide What To Invest In

I frequently get this question: “Joshua, what should I invest my money in?”

Well, that’s a hard question to answer. I’m not you, so how should I know?

But, here are the factors I think you should consider in answering that question for yourself:

time money knowledge skill temperament timing opportunities tools Joshua

p.s., did I miss any important factors? If so, let me know in the comments.
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  1. Appreciate the framework Josh laid out and pointing out that we are individuals and should be introspective about what will likely work for us. Would potentially suggest adding 'Patience' to that list. Sort of falls under 'Time' but probably requires some emphasis.

  2. This episode was a Rob Kiyosaki type of information. All bread with no meat. All fluff with little actionable steps to take. Joshua could have listed off some of his past investments and advised where he went wrong and what he would have done differently. Joshua talked about one's skills and temperament. How about drawing a line down the center of a piece of paper with your skills on one side and your interests on the other side.

  3. If you're going too give advice on what too invest in. Please get to the point quickly. And dont drag it out for the whole podcast . Enjoy your work. Just saying it would improve your show.

  4. Joe- I am now 26 years old and wish that I had started when I was 20 in the Army. I also worked my way up and spent recklessly. Maybe some realizations come with age. If you could find the strength& discipline to save now, you will thank yourself later. SET UP A THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN with the military ask your superiors about it.

  5. 1. You should consider the amount of time you have available for an investment activity. (8:25)
    2. Consider the amount of money you have available for investing.
    3. Consider your knowledge as it applies to an investment. (22:00)
    4. Consider your skills
    5. What fits your temperament (31:30)
    6. Invest at the right time. (35:00)
    7. What opportunities do you actually have. (38:30)
    8. What tools are necessary, particularly that others don't have? (43:40)

    – Saving money is not a waste of time.

    Times aren't exact but are pretty close.
    Great list, thanks Joshua!

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