5+ Ways to Spot a FAKE vs REAL Gold Bar (PAMP Edition)

FAKE vs REAL gold minted bars, and how to tell them apart:

PAMP Suisse is renowned for producing some of the world’s most exquisite and beautiful precious metal products- but how can you be sure you’re not buying a cheap replica?

In this video you’ll learn how to spot the difference between a fake and a real gold bar, as well as a couple of tests our staff at MyGold can run to help you on your investing journey.

From visual elements to chemical elements, it’s good to know the red flags of a fake bar before you buy.

Looking to buy gold in Auckland, New Zealand? At MyGold® Gold Merchants, you can buy and sell gold bullion, gold coins, gold bars and more! Conveniently located in central Auckland, our team of professional Gold Merchants will supply you with 999.9% pure precious metals.
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  1. GoldScreenBox is basically a copy of the Sigma Metalytics, just without the Thru capability that the Pro offers. So the Sigma is the better of the two options.

  2. There's more fine details on the fake bar, which seems really strange to me- maybe so that the assumption that the detailed one must be the real one traps more people

  3. Could you use a multimeter and test the resistance across the bar? It would require removal from the packaging but I suppose it would work

  4. So from what I gather from the vid, an XRF machine is defeated by a heavily plated (gold folded) fake bar ?

  5. "Precious Metals" EASY to BUY, Where you gonna SELL it. What assay problems you gonna have? In times of trouble, do you really think you can sell? It is difficult enough to sell during "Good Times". You cannot open the pre-packaged packs? Weight the bars? Balance beam the bars?

  6. If they use tungsten for the core or lead they can get the bar dimensions and weight almost perfect

  7. Ive heard china is making fake gold bars from tungsten with a thick gold plating that will pass all the non destructive tests. Only way to know for sure is to cut in half or drill. Most people that have these will never know.

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