Where To Invest For Growth in 2021 & The Reasons Why Stocks Are Not In A Bubble

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JPM Guide to the markets:

1:21 S&P 500 Fundamentals Now and Historical (why we aren’t in a bubble)
6:43 JPM Excepted Future Returns (1 year and 5 years)
7:30 Historical EPS Returns of the S&P 500 (why 2021 will see growth)
9:48 Projected Dividend Growth of The S&P 500 and Sectors For 2021
10:40 Historical Returns of the S&P 500 and My Thoughts On Future Returns
13:05 The US Is Approaching Herd Immunity (good for the economy)
14:02 Wealth Gap and Spending
16:10 FED Funds Rate Projections (why stocks will continue running)
17:21 Historical 10 Year Yield (why stocks continue getting more expensive)
19:24 S&P 500 P/E ratio (I would watch the previous section first)
20:10 The Bond Market Size (and why this money will continue flowing into stocks)
21:21 Global Investment Into Renewables (why renewables are good investments)
22:16 Global Renewable Energy Projections (huge growth in renewables projected)
25:24 Growth In China and India (why they are good investments)
27:37 Chinas Online Sales Are Exploding (Alibaba)
29:04 The Best REITs to Own Now
31:13 Global Semiconductor Projections
32:26 Outro (Please like and subscribe for more)

Stocks Are Not In A Bubble Yet + Where To Invest For Long Term Growth

Hello, I am Daniel Pronk and in todays video I discuss the fundamentals of the S&P 500 index and why I believe it is not in a bubble yet. I also go through JP Morgans guide to the markets and all of their fundamental research.

JPM makes Alibaba sound like a compelling investment, along with renewable energy stocks, and industrial REITs. They also make a strong case for having exposure to India, and Chinas growing economies. I will be making videos on some strong ETFs for exposure in these markets, along with the best REITs to own now.

There is a ton of information in this video about the overall stock market, and I hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I am NOT a financial advisor, and nothing I say is meant to be a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument. I will NEVER ask you to send me money to trade for you. Please report any suspicious emails or fake social media profiles claiming to be me. Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. There are no guarantees or certainties in trading or investing.

My videos may contain affiliate links or sponsorship to products I believe will add value to your life and help you. I DO NOT ACCEPT PAYMENTS TO TALK ABOUT STOCKS ON MY CHANNEL. However, no matter what I or anyone else says, it’s important to do your own research before making a financial decision.

See Full Disclaimer Here:

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  1. just curious about what assumptions did they make when projecting india to be next dominant growth factor? as far as i am aware India faces a number of structural difficulties.

    1. long history of unbreakable social hierarchy
    2. lack of sophisticated infrastructure

    any idea/opinion is welcome. just want some different perspectives

  2. I’m focusing more on the strong businesses with solid cash flows. I will calmly add my salary into the stock market and not react emotionally when we eventually have that 25%-50% sell off. That’s how money is lost.

  3. Hi Daniel. One thing to bear in mind is that. Many who hold high quality bonds, use bonds not so much as investment, but as income yielding securities used as margin or collateral for derivatives, particularly in the rates markets. Also if you look at the eurozone with negative policy interest rate, putting money in the bank, you lose by paying negative rate or get charged "service" fees to make good on negative interest on reserves with the ECB. So many market participants would buy long dated eurozone govt bonds with some positive coupon at least.

  4. Good work, very interesting, thank you!
    However… Emerging markets are too risky for me. Especially China with its dictatorial, totalitarist, communist government…
    Also, I can't find good, profitable, undervalued renewable energy stocks listed in the US markets.

  5. Could you talk about or link other financial institutions' research as well so we can look into those?

  6. Look I’m just here to make money, I don’t care about the bottom 90% anymore


  8. Sorry lol, you want the solution to be for the bottom 99% to start saving more money? Sure part of it may be financial illiteracy, but I'm sure a TON of it is just people living paycheque to paycheque literally unable to save a penny despite trying to be as frugal as possible. Only way to close the gap is taxing the exorbitantly wealthy individuals and corporations a little more and redistributing that wealth to the poorest in society to give the next generation a more even starting line. You can't just give a poor person tips on how to save, that will barely scratch the surface of a hugely systemic problem. Could start by eliminating loopholes like tax havens, among tons of other little tricks

  9. the link for JPM Guide to the markets doesn't work ? Other than that the good summary!!!

  10. stagnation not stagflation, but great video ! I dont think the stock market will hold out till bond yields can come back up,but only time will tell

  11. Well…the bottom 90% may not be able to invest…probably make enough to pay rent and buy groceries.

  12. Every bitcoin investor right now is just smiling at the price of bitcoin as it held strong and indeed valuable enough to generating good ROI. More persons are gonna become millionaires and we have bitcoin thanks for that

  13. Hello, I'm new to Biticon trade and I've been making huge losses but recently I see a lot of people earning from it. please can someone tell me what I'm doing worng?

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