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  1. Its 2022 and silver has crashed to an all time low. Good thing silver only costs $19 now! I know people thought silver would be $100 an oz by now.

  2. I bought some vintage one-ounce bars at my local pawn shop, they were from the decade I was born, 1970s, but I left around 10 of them there, I've always regreted leaving those vintage bars there. Next time I'll be taking all of them!

  3. Those Queens Beasts are phenomenal!!
    Gorgeous coins! I can’t wait to get one of those 100 oz. bars. In my eyes, they scream wealth. So jealous! Great video

  4. My cat and dog caught covid but it was my hamster that died from covid. Even Dr Slauchi was at the funeral.

  5. Amazing, your average cost is roughly $18!!!! I know you're an OG in stacking (+5yrs). When I look at it in retrospect Silver is now $19 and change. You've held all these years and it's the premium that favors potential monetary gain if you were to sell today.. How much longer do you think it will take for the premium to slowly get smaller and smaller? Great video SBC.

  6. i see your point. i personally just buy trusted minted coins. i don't mind a premium so long as it isn't too high. i wouldn't want to invest in a pile of generic 1oz bars just because it may not be so trustworthy with bartering. I want to make my life easier, not harder. I regret the cheesy generic buffalo rounds, I sold those all just because I don;t want to hang on to silver that is literally designed to copy the look of real minted coins. What will people think if they want to barter with me and I pull out cheap generic rounds that mimic real out-of-circulation coins? they'll think it is fake crap, is my logic.

  7. covid was and is a huge SCAM. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks with covid, so I am saying that the virus is real enough, but the way the medical "experts" and the government has handled it has been and is one huge SCAM. They used it to brainwash and control as many sheep as possible.

  8. Any tips for storing bars? I just ordered my very first 10 ounce APMEX silver bar today. I wouldn’t want them to tarnish or degrade over time.

  9. Started buying in the teens. Wish I had gotten more but I did get a lot thank God. I was contemplating buying today at $27.50 per ounce and talking about how cheap it used to be. My son said, you're going to be saying that in the future about today's price. Smart guy!

  10. Biggest regrets buying silver "I wish I would have stacked more"
    I would beg to differ.
    In 2012 spot prices were $34 per oz. Which seemed like a bargain compared to $47 the previous year.
    So I bought in big and sat on my stash waiting for the prices to skyrocket.
    Now I waste my time watching these silver stacker videos where people "think" that silver is a great investment at $22.80 as they try to convince themselves that silver is going to skyrocket any day/month/year/decade now.
    How's that for a regret?

  11. Just reached 100oz jan 2022….ave cost 30$….silver isnt going down anytime soon…my collection is when the dollar crashes

  12. I'm watching this in Dec., 2021. Looking for $15 silver very soon, but the premiums are absurd. $12.50 oz is possible.?

  13. This is a good video. I subbed.

    I'm 32, and I started stacking earlier this year…. I have no specific goal. I just wanna stack as much as I can. I have 26 ounces so far…. And there are def some times I regret not buying. Earlier this year, a bullion had 5oz bar's for $119- didn't buy a single one.

    But I'm learning, it's a fun little hobby. My goal is to stack like you!!!

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