*HUGE NEWS* The Silver Comex is a CORRUPT LIE! (don’t listen to them)

#silverstacking #preciousmetals #silverslayer

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND buying Silver from Miles Franklin, just send an email to info@milesfranklin.com ask what they have in stock! Make sure you let them know Slayer sent you! They will love to hear it & also supports me for free!

Link to the article – https://silverseek.com/article/closer-still-no-cigar

Silver stacking is by far the best investment! Precious metals are a great way to protect your wealth but stacking silver in particular has more opportunity beyond gold and other precious metals. Silvers price will drastically rise in the coming years for many reasons i explain on my channel, so make sure to subscribe. There’s no wrong way to stack silver! There’s not even a wrong way to buy silver! Selling your silver can be dangerous so make sure you watch my videos explaining how to safely sell. The best way to stack silver is buy the physical silver bullion and store it away! Some investors buy silver coins that are more expensive but i recommend beginners starting to stack silver to play it safe, buying silver bullion with the lowest spot prices. Silver stacking will change your life! Financial freedom and understanding the value of true wealth is what buying silver represents 🙂 Keep on stacking!

*Clothing for Silver Stackers! https://www.ag47apparel.com/

*Make sure to subscribe for daily silver videos*

Subscribe to my new Silver Stacking Podcast! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK3mt2c3FxOuRXBZiuVaIDw

Silver is by far the best investment for many reasons explained in this video, even beyond other Precious Metals such as gold. Silver stacking is the best way to secure your wealth into something that has intrisical value (real value). If you are a beginner silver stacker or new into the precious metals world then i highly encourage you to subscribe and watch as many silver stacking videos as you can because its called a silver stacking STRATEGY for a good reason. Don’t worry too much about silver prices or spot price because buying silver is storing your wealth into something of real value.

If you would like to donate, here are the links –
– Paypal / https://paypal.me/SilverSlayer21?locale.x=en_US
– Bitcoin / bc1qs50eqxv49q3j9t0je33kqa3yl6uha6rg2lwgly
(All donations are extremely appreciate, but only donate if you want to)


Follow me on reddit! https://www.reddit.com/user/SilverSlayerYT

Join the Wallstreetsilver movement! https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/

Become an exclusive member of the Slayer Elite here!

Bitcoin donations are welcome 🙂 bc1qs50eqxv49q3j9t0je33kqa3yl6uha6rg2lwgly

Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/silverslayerofficial/?igshid=1mk6uwohale21

Subscribe to my 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClGf5k-sGExw8UKt0cCZa1A
Business email – info.silverslayer@gmail.com

***DO NOT invest more than you are willing to lose.. every investment has risk involved. I am NOT a financial advisor, do not seek financial advice from this channel as i am only sharing my experience & opinion involving the world of Precious Metals & Cryptocurrency. Always be careful & responsible.. do your research before investing into ANYTHING***

Key topics my channel discusses:
Silver Stacking, Silver Stacking coins, Silver prices, Silver bullion, Investing in silver, Stacking silver, Silver coins, Precious Metals, Buying silver, Silver for beginners, How to buy silver, How to stack silver, Best silver to stack, Best silver coins, Silver stacking stragies, Gold vs. Silver, Silver bars, The silver shortage, Silver eagles, Silvers price in 2022.

– Slayer
Video Rating: / 5

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  1. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND buying Silver from Miles Franklin, just send an email to info@milesfranklin.com ask what they have in stock! Make sure you let them know Slayer sent you! They will love to hear it & also supports me for free!

  2. Loosen up on the clickbait. Stop being repetitive. I heard you the first time. It’s not that I don’t agree it’s that you pedal the same things every video.

  3. I tryed buying from Miles franklin. I was going to buy 250 Eagles to start and if it went well I was going to spend around 40000.$ on my next purchase. But they cost more then some of the other online shops. I told the person that I was talking to that and I was told they could not do that price. SO shop around..

  4. My Lord what's happening to you. I've watched you for a few years. You act like a changed person now. Your videos, are nothing more. than super long commercials. Get some damn help.

  5. Silver manipulation has been happening for 170yrs starting in the 1850's when the East indy trading company only gave a 28g once for opium during the opium ward. Keep stacking stackers…

  6. @Silver Slayer Did you know that "Silver Iodide" is the substance used in "Cloud Seeding"? It's what jets are spraying in the atmosphere to generate moisture, water, rainfall and yes, to obscure enemy satellites view of our military complexes. Look at Moscow, France, UK, all super powers nations have jets "cloud seeding" (I've been to Turkey, Egypt and smaller SA countries, the jets do not put out long lasting contrails [red chemtrails])
    THIS REQUIRES A LOT OF CHEAP SILVER!!!! This can be confirmed as China readily admits to using Silver Iodide to attempt to cloud seed as a solution to its water shortage problem. They launch missiles which spray silver iodide over the countryside, whereas America and other super powers contract their airlines.
    Thought you should know… cheap silver disappears, so does cloud seeding and then mother nature drops her rainfall without influence. (read draughts in 1st world nations)

  7. Hey SS…. Maybe you could do a full chart of who the BRICS nations are on a map and use string to connect them and use that to tie them together to explain why they are important. Use the three major commodities…. Control the food = control the people, control the energy = control the content, control the money = control the world.

  8. I have learnt more about silver in the last couple of years than in the last 4 decades. I remember asking Leon Richardson the question if silver was a good investment. He was not very hopeful but he never gave a rationalised reason why-now I know why. To think he was considered a financial expert in Hong Kong. He was on the radio and wrote a column in the China Post.
    It is a beautiful metal and useful metal but will probably be recycled more and more. The Government could intervene and slap an exhorbitant tax on overnight-its already taxed at 20% Thankyou for your posts together with Miles Franklyn and Rafi Faber and a few other posts.

  9. All the bullion dealers care about both you and yo ur business… I am gonna send Andy a good part of my business because he is a fantastic ambassador of the sound money community. Andy is gonna get my business for putting himself out there with facts to base his claims.

  10. Ted Butler is a legend. Silver Slayer is quickly becoming one as well. Thanks again brother and God Bless you and your viewership.
    Get your weight up guys ????

  11. Miles Franklin website is soo garbage for months. How long does it take to build a website . For real. What a moron

  12. Until some very high ups are arrested
    Don’t hold up your hopes on anything
    Use the suppression against them
    Keep buying at these super low prices..

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