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  1. Out of the three I would still go with wholesaling and has nothing to do with believing people are suckers. It has to do with the least amount of personal investment. You're not selling or buying property, you're connecting a motivated seller with an interested, eager buyer through contracts with both the seller and buyer (and many buyers have already done deals, they're not idiots with money to spend)) and for that you get a fee as the go between bringing them together. 

    What is appealing in wholesaling is being able to receive your fee and move on. Everyone benefits. Everyone profits. I realize a hundred things can go wrong but that's true of any real estate deal. In fact, that's true of anything you get involved in. Wholesalers don't need a real estate license. You don't need a license as a real estate broker. You just learn how to find a deal, a seller who will agree to sell their property for the price you negotiate, and a buyer who wants that property based on what the seller has agreed to sell for– plus your fee. I would take that over the other two any day of the week.

  2. You awesome bro. What I have learned from you and my father have made me very skilled at this.

  3. I think I found the perfect area. It is an area that has a massive lake that attracts a large summer crowd and tourists . It is also close to several colleges. After the last recession people moved away as unemployment rose.There are several high end luxury homes along with a lot of really nice homes that are selling below $100,000. A couple new factories have recently began production and the local unemployment rate has dropped dramatically in the past year.

  4. Bottom 2 are true but buyers dont come easy, selling a place can take a year or two specially if the home is an old design. In truth renting is always best and mostly for tenants, why get stuck in one place 4ever paying and fixing it when you can have the freedom to go live anywhere even closer to your next job. Nothing is ever yours in the u.s anyway might as well accept it, not even money.

  5. I like a lot of what u say but when you talk about sucker buyers in this video it is actually a turn off for me. I find the practice of Iver charging new investors unethical. I apologize but instead of selling someone something they know nothing about at least talk to them and warm them and don't overcharge that is the how you get a bad name for yourself

  6. Hello. I need an advice about how to move the sources I have to begin the real estate investment. Thank you.

  7. From a former public school educator, I can say that I was an engaged student once again … thank you so much for sharing

  8. Thank u well said can u show how to talk to the ppl that we do do the drive by house to get them to put the house under contact

  9. Where do you find wholesale houses though? I live in Toronto and the prices here are going crazy! I am looking elsewhere.

  10. If my parents want to sell their house would you recommend I offer them money to make improvements for a portion of the profits if it will be a 10% or less return? It it worth the risk of putting in say 10k to get back 13k?

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