Central Banks Buying Gold Bullion in Record High Sizes 2022

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SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/sdbullion?sub_confirmation=1 Central Banks Buying More Gold Bullion Since Before the Last Official Price Rig Collapse (1968)

That is this week’s SD Bullion Market Update.

As always, to you out there, take great care of yourselves and those you love.

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  1. On the outside: ???? O h dear, what a bleak outlook.

    On the inside: ???? I got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of ounces waiting for that triple digit % jump! Come oooonnn! Yeayuh! ????

  2. How much did the central bank buy this year? I was waiting for that info and missed it.

  3. This Dutch bank director said in the 3th Q of 2020 that the euro is already dead…now is the time to bury it.

  4. Still slowly accumulating as and when I can as one portion of a (hopefully) fairly well diversified strategy. Picked up another 20 ounces of silver today and a tiny touch more gold. 🙂

    I get excited for your vids every week, thanks kindly and a big hi from South Africa.

  5. The average life expectancy of any currency is 27 years. The longest running currency the British pound has lost almost 99.8 :% of its initial purchasing power. The average pension plan and savings account loses half its purchasing power every 6 years. Do you need another reason to stack.

  6. Of course the banks are buying precious metals, they lost your money with crypto currency, your money and pensions with the current housing collapse and when Russia opens its gold exchange to undercut US and UK gold sales to India and the middle east, it will lose your money in falling gold prices, get your money out of the banks

  7. The gold that Chinese and Indian central banks have pales un comparision to what the citizenry has. Indian households alone have nearly 25000 tonnes of gold, China possibly many times more.

  8. This is one of the most thought provoking commentaries that you have done , James , thank you. I always try to keep an open mind about paper manipulation but it is increasingly hard to ignore . I mean how is it possible for the gold price to have fallen , what , seven months in a row in the contest of these CB purchases ? I speak with sadness as an Englishman whose Government contrived to sell most of our country's gold back in 1998 . We will pay for that one day .

  9. Dr Troy Jarvis former USA Presidential candidate in 2020.
    Knows the Gold Standard Switch frontwards and backwards

  10. Suppressing the price to buy on the cheap. Theirs a reason banks are buying gold at record levels. Its called wealth preservation.

  11. This is why we the U.S threw out the feds two times already , hopefully a third. They have never been audited or held up their charter. They have destroyed more lives than a standing army.

  12. So is gold going to drop like it did back in the 2008-2011 time period? Or do we think the price is being manipulated temporarily so central banks can buy in lower before it makes a run? Is now a good time to buy gold?

  13. What's wild James is that I have the Ouroboros tattooed on my entire forearm haha. You couldn't have picked better symbology 🙂 The day of previous metals is quickly coming…

  14. In speech and writing, as you mentioned James, the ouroboros is often called “the self-eating snake,” used as learned term or metaphor for infinity, cyclicality, or some other kinds of loop phenomena, often self-destructive in nature.

    The ouroboros is also a popular tattoo and internet icon (meme) as personal symbol for rebirth.

    Its the latter meaning I prefer to focus on. The former you have well documented and correctly forecasted.

    While the global financial and monetary rebirth will be painful we in America will need to be the Re-United States as we have been resilient in the past in difficult times for ourselves and for the world.

    I take comfort in:

    “…You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” ~ “Desiderata,” Max Ehrmann, circa 1927

    Thank you James for opening our eyes to the truth and for the opportunity to prepare for the worst as we maintain hope for the best.

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