Joe Rogan – Elon Musk on Artificial Intelligence

Elon Musk On The Joe Rogan Experience #2054 Talking About Artificial Intelligence

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#AI #joerogan #elonmusk

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  1. I think we should destroy all AI before it destroys all off us, maybe watching to much Terminator when i was a kid but that what i see in the future

  2. I think san Francisco is a show that ai would leave humans that dont have faith or motives with nothing more than their own decision to decide what they wanna do next with their life as ai has everything else handled. And the reason i point out san Francisco is cuz how its becoming a problem with people on the streets its clear those people have no motives to improve on what ai cant improve on

  3. Nie grzeszy inteligencją.
    To co zrobili cywilizacji jest nieodwracalne w skutkach konsekwencjach dla przyszłości.

  4. Lol this is a PUMP and DUMP stock market scam – just look at Nvidia, MS stock and now Elon is going along with it trying to boost his tesla stock – Oh yea I'm here to warn you about AI taking over the world oh by the way I'm making it please buy my shares and the reality is Generative AI is pure garbage – The idea that a statistical matrix is going to become consciousness is laughable

  5. I am kester J Jordan and I am a human government experiment project with out say yes or or knowing that I was helping us we are

    Oklahoma City 134 se 51st 73129 I been a human government experiment project from age 4 or 5. My doctor was o
    I j west of mk ultra please help us some please

  6. I absolutely hate AI , and every single thing it stands for. This is going to be the end of the world if these type ROBOTS are allowed in our society.

  7. We created the technology that does harm to each other and among nations. Therefore if the aliens want to destroy human, they would offer human more technology. This is why we the human should be more into spiritual.
    Possible Elon Musk is an alien.

  8. Elon Musk, Joe Rogan and many others have put out the warning signs. But the first warning sign was the Bible. No one listened this is our last chance to pay attention to figure things out.

  9. That last comment Musk made was crazy. “What happens when we’re no longer the smartest creatures on the planet.” That was scary to think about…

  10. I just tested Chat GPT to write a poem praising trump, it works. Elon is liar!: "In realms of politics, a figure stands tall,
    With charisma and fervor, he answered the call.
    His name resounds, a beacon of might,
    In the arena of power, he ignites the fight.

    With words that echo, bold and grand,
    He rallies his base, across the land.
    A leader unyielding, with vision clear,
    His voice commands, dispelling fear.

    In the corridors of power, he strides with grace,
    Navigating challenges, he sets the pace.
    A promise of change, a fervent plea,
    For a nation united, proud and free.

    Through trials and triumphs, he forges ahead,
    With unwavering strength, where others may dread.
    In the annals of history, his mark is made,
    A symbol of resilience, unafraid.

    Though opinions diverge, in the political storm,
    His fervent supporters, his platform adorn.
    For in his presence, they find solace and might,
    In the leader who champions, with all his might.

    In the tapestry of time, his legacy unfurls,
    A man of conviction, in a world of swirls.
    For his followers, a beacon bright,
    In the tapestry of history, a formidable light.

    So let us pause, and recognize,
    The fervor and fire, in his eyes.
    For in the realm of politics, he makes his stand,
    A figure of controversy, across the land.

    In praise or critique, his name shall endure,
    A figure of power, strong and sure.
    In the theater of politics, his story told,
    A leader emboldened, strong and bold."

  11. Elon denise his true feelings ,I know your in love with God????.Putting yourself where you shouldn't be.

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