Which Rental Property Should You Buy First? | Real Estate Investing

This video was made to help new real estate investors know where to start and what property to buy first.

Chandler David Smith has been investing in real estate for the last 7+ years. He currently owns 99 units of rental real estate and cashflows hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. He created this channel to help other new and experienced investors build their own real estate portfolio and a huge cash flow that comes with it. In this video, Chandler breaks down what he would buy first if he had to do it all over again. He helps new investors understand the pros and cons of living in their first investment property. This video will help you to know what your options are and which path will be best for building your real estate portfolio and cash flow the quickest.

#realestateinvesting #rentalproperty #realestateinvestingforbeginners

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  1. Trading as a beginner was very difficult due to lack on trading experience, this resulted in losing my funds though I've been able to recover all that I lost, all thanks to Mr Charles_forex09 on Instagram , i never knew good trader still existed till I come in touch with him.,

  2. What would you do if you had a 800 credit score and 500k in cash? If you never invested in real estate before? What would be your first move?

  3. How do you feel about using a heloc to put a down payment on a investment property.? I have 120k in equity in my house and was hoping to use it to get my first rental property but I have heard mixed things about doing it that way?

  4. We are looking into building a portfolio. We would be first time home buyers, is it better to take advantage of the low down payment to get something, fix it up while we live there for the first few month, rent it out, take the equity and get another one?

  5. Hello ?. New to YouTube and found this super informative. Creating passive income is the dream. Having a logical method I am finding super useful. A few of the approaches I ramble on my channel and would be ace to get your review. Have liked to help the algo! Fifi ??

  6. im planning on using my VA loan to buy a 3 family. Right now im worried about the people that cant pay rent because of the virus. I also think the market will start to go down soon so im waiting.

  7. Thinking of getting a 4 plex thats around 330k/ 2 units are 3/2 ($950 each) and 2 are 2/2 ($850) thoughts?

  8. I have been living in a 2 bedroom rented apt in Ny & the rent is $ 2800 monthly. So now I am planning to buy a 4 bedroom single family home in Newjersey. So how much of a down payment is good for a house costing about $ 450,000. Be a I don’t have much down payment.

  9. Hi Chandler! Thanks for your videos. Very helpful . I do have a question. I am a first home buyer and are qualified already for a loan! I have talked to a realtor about an investment property and he was able to show me a duplex. My question is, what do I expect coming into this type of investment? Also do I go in with no down if applicable? Thanks in advance! " I currently live in my house under my wife's name.

  10. any recommendations for getting approved for financing when you are self employed? Every lender wants 20%+ and 2 years of tax returns…

  11. Chandler, did you go to the same barber as MeetKevin? Well… now I know. If you want to be wealthy you MUST delete the sideburns?

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