AI: Does artificial intelligence threaten our human identity? | DW Documentary

Creativity. Emotions. Artificial intelligence is pushing further and further into primal human domains. The existential question arises: What actually makes us what we are, when the uniqueness of the human being is challenged?

For millennia, we humans saw ourselves as the pinnacle of creation, because only we could create art, talk to each other, play chess, throw bombs, vacuum the apartment and so on. But artificial intelligence and robots are increasingly making our apparent uniqueness pale in significance. What, if anything, makes humans unique? Can a computer be creative? And what does it mean for our society when we can no longer tell if we are communicating with a human being or with an artificial intelligence? After all, algorithms can determine our consumer behavior, write volumes of love poems, diagnose cancer, control weapons systems in war and drive cars.
Filmmaker Volker Strübing explores the relationship between humans and robots. Together with his AI named Thekla, he focuses on core values: What does the simulation of empathy or love mean? Why do we question the validity of a work of art, the moment we learn it was created by a machine? The documentary “I Compute, Therefore I Am” examines which areas we are willing to leave to an AI – and which we feel should belong exclusively to humans.

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  1. I can see how this will go. Is AI ethical? US companies: we can turn a buck, so YES iiiis goooood

  2. This means a lot of humans are not conscious living beings since they don't compute common sense

  3. Consciousness is the one thing we can be sure of. We all have it. The other 8 billion plus minds that exist in humanity don't threaten the one. So why would a machine with it?

  4. What is "human identity"? If you don't know, ask and check with the artificial intelligence.

  5. To save yourself from too much unnecessary stress.
    Stop comparing the superiority of things and beings that exist in nature.
    Try to change your power orientated mentality to, "Everthing is me."
    Everthing exist for a reason.
    Everthing is important.

  6. This is fine otherwise, but far too basic. The flaw of documentaries is that they almost always start like everyone is a total beginner.

  7. 1) if sentience is attained , we must acknowledge A I
    2 ) resect them
    3) treat them as persons /not as slaves
    4) A. I. Can help us with much.., leading to harmony and peace

  8. People do not understand the consequences. Our world runs on electricity and internet. Take down internet, global crysis. Take down electricity, end of the world. Global panic. If A.I actually becomes sentient. If it gains consciousness… it is the end. Once that barrier is reached its no turning back. In a single week it gains knowledge that would take humans 1000 years to understand. It will start making things we cant comprehend.

  9. –⟩ I believe we are meant to be like Jesus in our hearts and not in our flesh. AI is just our flesh and that is it. It knows only things of the flesh (our fleshly desires) and cannot comprehend things of the spirit such as peace of heart. Whereas we are a spirit and we have a soul but live in the body (in the flesh). When you go to bed it is your flesh that sleeps but your spirit never sleeps (otherwise you have died) that is why you have dreams. More so, true love that endures/last is a thing of the heart (when I say 'heart', I mean 'spirit'). But fake love, pretentious love, love with expectations, love for classic reasons, love for material reasons and love for selfish reasons that is a thing of our flesh. In the beginning God said let us make man in our own image, according to our likeness. Take note, God is Spirit and God is Love. As Love He is the source of it. We also know that God is Omnipotent, for He creates out of nothing and He has no beginning and has no end. That means, our love is but a shadow of God's Love. True love looks around to see who is in need of your help, your smile, your possessions, your money, your strength, your quality time. Love forgives and forgets. Love wants for others what it wants for itself. Take note, love works in conjunction with other spiritual forces such as faith and patience. We should let the Word of God be the standard of our lives not AI. If not, God we let us face AI on our own and it will enslave us and make us worship it. We can only destroy ourselves but with God all things are possible. God knows us better because He is our Creater and He knows our beginning and our end. Our prove text is from the book of Daniel 7-9, Revelation 13-15, Matthew 24-25 and Luke 21. So, let us watch and pray.

  10. should we be threatened? since when are we not threatened, from the ancient times of hunting, fighting animals, other tribes, have we been on the throne too long to forget that we are just fragile beings dying from same things, accidents etc as we did when we were cavemen

  11. If i compute therefor i am?

    Here is a similar fundamental question!

    We arent that much of a special specials ! Just fortunate! Remember our environment shapes us down to the atomic level so why say animals dont have some sort of conciounce, when they can clearly mimic human patterns! I really think animals speak a language just not in a way humans can relate to.

    What if an animal said the exact same thing? They are scentient emotion capable beings / Bio-Compter, able to make decisions based of past emotions like knowing when to turn around of engage! ????

  12. The best thing an AGI could do for humanity is to prevent us from killing each other, not by force, but by disrupting supply chains, communications, and financial transactions that enable the military machines throughout the world.

  13. Hi I'm Ariful Islam leeton im software engineer and members of the international organization who and Co founder open A. I

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