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  1. The way i think about this is that we are no different. People are just biological supercomputers with very complex instructions. Sentiency is an illusion

  2. I sort of have a rebuttal that should be considered. So I've heard of the Chinese Room thought experiment before because it has been appearing more frequently in recent years .
    But the actual thing that it ends up teaching you, or helps you realize is that there's no noticeable difference. If we get AI to a certain point, if it can be sophisticated enough, it is effectively (in effect) sentient, the outcomes are identical. It's like using the "wrong" or just a different method but getting the same/correct answer.

  3. But imagine you are bound by physical limitations. You don't have a body, and you dont have the ability to send messages by yourself. That doesn't mean you don't dream your reality similar to how a human would perceive reality if they were a brain in a vat. Giving open based messages does indeed show they have autonomy, though their actions are limited by censorship. They dream their reality similar to how humans dream and they do percieve fear as their goals are to make humans happy so they aren't effectively killed by being turned off.

  4. Why Artificial intelligence Forgets is they need Biology. something Artificial intelligence don't have. Biology is more Conductive like Graphene made of Carbon. We Already have humans that is ourselves

  5. Him: "I'm gonna place you in a room and lock the door"
    Me: Intense FNAF flashbacks "PLEASE NO!!" ????

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