Artificial Intelligence Is (ACTIVELY) Eliminating These Jobs Forever!

These Jobs Are Most At Risk Of Being Replaced By Artificial Intelligence! Layoffs are on the rise, and one of the major reasons is the rise of AI and ChatGPT in our workplace. Companies are aggressively looking at ways to cut costs, and AI is a major strategy to reduce headcount. Is your job in danger?

0:00 – Is your job in danger?
1:16 – companies that are replacing workers today
6:46 – The skills that are being replaced
8:23 – Job types most at risk
12:52 – Things you can do to avoid it

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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve got a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

As a corporate recruiter with over 20 years of experience hiring thousands of employees at all levels into major corporations, I’m going to spill the beans on how to get noticed by recruiters, start getting more interviews, navigate through each step of the hiring process, and ultimately land the dream job you deserve.

But that’s not all – I firmly believe that to truly experience career success, you need to think bigger. Multiple streams of income and budgeting are crucial to forming a layoff-free lifestyle and helping you achieve your goals.

If these are things you’re struggling with, that’s what I specialize in. I’ve got a website called A Life After Layoff. It’s loaded with tips and tricks for getting noticed, interviewed, and hired by your dream company. Make sure you check it out!

I’ve got weekly videos coming at you, so make sure to subscribe. You won’t want to miss a post. Join me as we explore these things, all from an insider’s perspective!
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  1. So, all these people without jobs… who will have the money to buy the products produced mostly by AI?

  2. You will own nothing…they will take your assets as well as your ability to obtain them. Your political opinion wont matter, because they will be in total control and unable to do anything about it. You will be a slave and a victim to their goals.

  3. The companies replacing jobs with AI should have to put money into a fund for displaced workers. What the hell are people supposed to do to support themselves?! There are only so many “other” jobs available and not every worker will have the education and/or training to do those!
    Companies, or rather their “higher ups,” want to maximize their profits without regard for the many “lower level” employees. This is not just!

  4. Can't wait until AI takes over lawyer jobs ! It will do much better case research and provide better argument that bias judges can not deny validity ! Too much politics in the legal system ! I've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars due to bad lawyers ! They are everywhere and it hurts innocent people with denial of true justice ! You never know how intelligent or experienced the lawyer you retain is going to perform for you ! Judges are no better !

  5. Probably become a worse Cyperpunk 2077, where people become cattle and cooperate fight each other using AI.

  6. Hey Bryan, Do you think I should take up the resume rocket fuel since I am in Australia? I am just doing Customer service and I feel stuck in this role as well.

  7. I'm sorry, but this is overrated. Whoever tried to use AI they know that it keeps on doing mistakes. You eventually must do number of corrections. You may only use it as an assistant to initiate a work (if it can). It has a long way to develop.

  8. There's a whole blobby amorphous lump in HO that is begging to be replaced by AI. These people neither create, make or (engage with customers to) sell stuff, they just create more ways to rob you of time to get real work done. Got a memo with a QR code to post by the delivery door to judge how happy and positive the truck driver is ffs.

  9. As an involuntarily, ie, aged out, graphic designer in my late 60s, now working in a warehouse, I was thinking in January of getting some certifications in UX/UI and/or data analytics, now, I don't think it's such a great idea, lol.

  10. I can't stand chat bots and AI customer service on the phone. They are both nightmares and very limited. I've had to hang up and call 4 to 5 times at times and still did not get anywhere with the company.

  11. If jobs are going to be lost and at the same time we have millions breaking into the country; how many will be fighting for the jobs left?
    Sounds like a social recipe for disaster.

  12. With companies replacing people with AI then we need to instigate a Universal Basic Income (U.B.I.) paid by the companies that are replacing people with AI.

  13. Simply make it easier to get hired, such as remove the Job References section of all of America’s applications & resumes.

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