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  1. Achwas da hätten wir ja mal einer trinken können bin seid 4 wochen in Thailand unterwegs

  2. The fact is that BTC symbolizes the future of cryptocurrency, and traders are wondering if now is the best moment to trade, I feel you should examine the situation more closely before jumping to any conclusion. BTC's price has been fluctuating over the previous days, signaling that the market has become unstable and that is it impossible to anticipate whether it will go bearish or bullish. Others are patient, while others continue to trade with no risk. It all depends on the pattern you're trading and the source of your signal, i earned 27BTC starting with 3.6 BTC in just a few weeks implementing Kerrie Farrell daily trades. I managed to collect more than tips and tricks….

  3. Toller Stream, wie immer. Ich schätze Ihre besonnene Herangehensweise an die Nachrichten und die Märkte. Vieles hat sich geändert, und das gilt für alles, aber die Wahrheit ist, dass ich mich nicht einmal mehr um Hausse- oder Baissemärkte kümmere, weil Rutherford William mir Deckung verschafft hat, während ich mich wohl fühle 2.3 BTC monatlich.

  4. BTC is first to the table and has remained at the top this far and crypto markets depend on BTC to rise. BTC is similar to gold but digital. Doesn't mean I rule out buying gold vs. a stock, bond, or Treasury. All things carry risk. If Satoshis wallet ever dumped on the market then it's game over at least for a long while.I hope XRP wins the lawsuit and paves the way for clarity for this space. I don't really choose sides but hedge with many other plays. Can't really compare BTC to XRP as the use cases are different now. I hope they coexist and strengthen the crypto space. I wasn't swayed to believe BTC is inferior. I have always played safe in the market from following the signals and approach of Ryan Kelly.

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  10. We'll see about that. I don't mind to see the crash. I just hope I'll have a lot of USDT to buy more AMS550X live presale

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