Bitcoin Maximalists Were Right

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In this video, I discuss how critics of “Bitcoin maximalism” are looking quite foolish now, after criticizing Bitcoiners for trying to steer people away from “crypto.” Anyone who got out of “crypto” before the recent FTX blow-up is feeling quite grateful at the moment.

Pushers of DeFi are also trying to spin the situation, to distract people away from how centralized and controlled the DeFi ecosystem still is.

I talk about the ongoing problems and sketchy past of, as well as the de-pegging of wrapped BTC and wrapped ETH on Solana.

Bitcoin maximalists have been proven right, and will continue to be proven right.

Bitcoin is the original decentralized finance (DeFi).

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

Those toxic Bitcoin maximalists:

Trying to warn people about BlockFi:

Crypto Casino Implodes (Is Your Money Gone?): appears quite incompetent:

Kris Marszalek has a questionable past:

Bankless guys trying to spin this disaster:

DeFi does not have “decentralization roots”:

Lots of pre-mines and pre-sales:*TayypeN1nRVdmikXjuy4hA.png

Wrapped BTC and wrapped ETH on Solana depeg:

Ethereum validators enforcing OFAC censorship:

MakerDAO Votes to Custody .6 Billion in USDC With Coinbase:

I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos.

My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.


Neither Trader University, nor any of its directors, officers, shareholders, personnel, representatives, agents, or independent contractors (collectively, the “Operator Parties”) are licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisors, or registered broker-dealers. None of the Operator Parties are providing investment, financial, legal, or tax advice, and nothing in this video or at www.Trader.University (henceforth, “the Site”) should be construed as such by you. This video and the Site should be used as educational tools only and are not replacements for professional investment advice. There is a high risk in trading.

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  1. WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image and
    channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other
    platforms to scam them. Just so you know, I will never refer you to
    "my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you
    something. I am trying to ban these scammers as quickly as they pop up. You can
    always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how
    many videos he has. All of these guys have zero videos, while I have
    hundreds. I also now have a checkmark next to my name, so that you can distinguish the real Trader University from the imposters.

  2. "If you don't value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents_start charging for it." _Kim Garst

  3. Hey Matthew, I left a comment earlier today detailing my experience with buying bitcoin at a cash ATM, versus the experience of buying from an exchange. It was a bit lengthy and included some specifics that maybe were a bit too much for a Youtube comment. I'm just wondering if you had purposefully removed it (which is fine if you did, it's your channel) or if Youtube did because I'm finding it a bit hard to leave certain messages in the Youtube comments lately when they contain certain key words.

    I just wanted to share my experience with you and your viewers, whoever might have bothered to read it. I was really curious to see how it worked and what it involved and it was a good learning experience for me, so of course I wanted to return the favor and share. Again, no biggie if it got removed for good reason, I'm wondering where it went, or if you even had a chance to read it.


  4. Bought my second BTC miner and I'm running a full BTC node. Doing my small part to help the network.

  5. Really disappointing that Peter McCormack has been promoting a lot of these ponzi schemes, I really enjoy his podcast. I hope he does better due diligence in future.

  6. I read a book by EB Tucker this weekend. Love to find out what you think of this theory. He suggested that Satoshi may have been made up by the intelligence agencies and dropped on the free market to perfect the development of it. At a certain point FedCoin will be unleashed or Bitcoin taken over by the central bank. They will know every transaction a person makes. This makes it easy to tax, track, etc.

  7. Would love to see a figure how much money in total has been stolen through the last two years. Gme – Luna – Celsius – Ftx sagas.

  8. Thanks Mathew your much appreciate your my goto for everything BTC and help me in my convictions in Bitcoin.

  9. I've consumed a lot of content in the crypto and Bitcoin space over the years. I came into it with an open mind ready to listen to whatever people had to say on both sides of the fence. I made lots of mistakes, I admired the wrong people (*cough* SBF) but I kept learning and over time it became clear that most of the so called Bitcoin maximalists are generally very smart ethical people and are genuinely trying to help people understand the space because they've been through it all before and they've done deep research into the history of money, politics, economics, game theory, and so on.

  10. Can you please make a video about The Scourge? Vitalik is trying to convince people that the OFAC compliance issue can be resolved and they have a plan to.

    "Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has added a new category of milestones to the Ethereum technical roadmap, one that aims to improve censorship resistance and decentralization of the Ethereum network."

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