Coin Shortage or Confiscation – Why No Cents Doesn't Make Sense

In looking at why there is a coin shortage as pointed out by you guys weeks ago, the official response by the Fed’s Jay Powell was a take it or leave it deal. Naturally, we left it. Tell us what you think, is there a coin shortage, a coin confiscation, and /or do we believe Jay Powell’s “no worries this is temporary” statement? Join us for our next livestream this Sunday night 9pm eastern, Monday morning 9am Singapore or subscribe and hit the bell to be notified. See you then!
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  1. Your next job is a Private Investorgater. Well I guess you have the 2 occupations now. Love your intellect. Tannys

  2. They trying to move us to digital currency, and eventually the mark of the beast. No buying or selling unless you got it. Fn satanists.

  3. Tellers at my bank are not allowed to help customers with ATM card issues anymore. I'm going with confiscation after coming across the following:

    1)Gpi for Financial Institution Transfers – Early Adopter Program Service V2.
    2)Remittance Transfers Under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (Regulation E)

  4. The Elite are intentionally creating this shortage, as the beast power wants digital money so it can control buying and selling of those who won't worship the beast.. Rev. 13:17, Rev. 14:9-12.. That's what this virus scare is all about. It needs control of every person, knowing where every person is, and knowing whether you are keeping the coming Sunday law, (Mark of the Beast), or worshiping the Creator on His holy 7th day sabbath..

  5. Board of Governors? LOL Governors???? LOL Cartel gangsters is what they are. LOL

  6. Transition to digital. Remember the strategy is problem reaction solution. The end goal is digital currency, so they are slowly taking away tangible currency.

  7. When the FDIC insurance claims are made, how long do they pay out on average.
    Digital money will be a total control system.
    A bounty may develop for cash and change.

  8. go to your local banks and get rolls of coins if you can. Nickels and pennies. Maybe quarters too but focus on nickels and pennies.

  9. Have you notice the countries talking about going to crypto, are not even considering bitcoin.

  10. Technically FDIC has 100 years to pay back your “insured deposit.” Feel free to Google it. Most people know about the FDIC “deposit insurance” but they don’t know that small but VERY important fact.

  11. I'm 32% in Bitcoin and 68% in gold/silver mining stocks, streaming/royalty stocks, and bullion. Don't know why those on both sides don't get that it's not one or the other. BTC and Gold have a role and future to play in currency.

  12. Hyperinflation coming soon and the Fed knows it. They are hoarding the coins for scrap value. Zinc, copper, etc. Just a guess.

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