Corporate Press CAUGHT Running FAKE AI Writers, Artificial Intelligence Is A THREAT TO HUMANITY

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  1. You sound so dumb when you say things like AI being able to magically break physics to give you a solid state battery that's more energy sense than today's fuels.

  2. A lot of what it will find is mineral and vitamin deficiencys in people but id bet its set up to prescribe pills not a supplementary approach. It also wont say if you exercise most of these "symptoms" would stop or dont be fat. People already drive into lakes because the sat nav said turn

  3. In College I had to not only learn to write a magazine article, I had to create a magazine to go along with it. Mast Head, advertising, everything.

  4. Creating false information to mislead a potential consumer into buying your product is false advertisement. By putting a name and a face on the article in an attempt to 'mask' its artificiality, is proof that they know it is bad. These cases are usually handled by the individual whose likeness was stolen or misused, but they seem to be trying to use that loophole here but I don't see it working.
    The fact the computer may be generating fake people based on your OWN face, is the truly dystopian aspect of all this. You have no claim on how your likeness may be used to mislead others in examples exactly like this.
    If I want to merge more than one person into one (creating babies) there is a TON of red tape and paperwork. Why do these companies get excluded? Why shouldn't they have to pay income taxes on the money they pay to the AI generators they create to close yet ANOTHER loophole.
    Isn't this fun?

  5. I'm afraid AI will be trained on medical misinformation (effectiveness of the V vs iverm etc), causing potentially other possible breakthroughs from happening.

  6. I remember when we were predicting an impact of Internet on civilization. Instant access to our whole knowledge, collective problem solving world wide – remember that? Nobody predicted tik tok, memes and growing stupidity of masses. I feel like all these super-duper predictions about AI will be sort of like that. History likes to repeat itself.

  7. The PERFECT place for AI generated discussion is in sports related discussions. This is because, aside from politicians, sports casters and sports reporters are professionals at talking without saying much. And this is the flavor and tone generated from AI generated discussions and texts. You can replace all the zero-intellect sports casters discussions on sports with AI output, and you literally can not tell the difference… because there is no difference. I'm astounded that some critical reader was able to detect AI articles on sports at all.

  8. This is how the news headline reads to me: "Woke garbage 'news' site got caught using AI that I don't and wouldn't read anyway." Like seriously, the AI generated crap is still better than what these journos push.

  9. They got lucky catching Sports Illustrated. We've been in an uphill battle against AI since the online writer's market crashed in January. Entire websites (and we;re talking major ones) went under because of Google and AI both hitting at once. By March, a lot of website owners began using AI detection software and blacklisting any writer caught using AI generated content.

    But Google has a vested interest in AI, so AI articles tend to rank higher. One of my clients brought up an interesting dilemma a few weeks ago. A popular search topic is whether or not Teslas have a particular engine part – one that's ONLY used on combustion engines. Almost every top-ranking article is saying yes, but when you actually look at those articles, they're all AI content. You can tell because – as Tim pointed out – sentences are created using a prediction model, so AI articles tend to have terrible grammar and up to 2/3 of the content will just be the same information with slightly different wording to try and answer variations of the question (to show on more search queries). It'll even stray off-topic if there's another yes/no question that shows up during its web scrape.

    AI cut my monthly income this year to around 5% that of 2022 in just two or three months as many of my clients were pushed out of business in the first quarter. Now that the writer's strike is over, there are some restrictions on AI use in media, but it's not enough. ALL media that relies on AI-generated content should have a disclaimer stating something like "This article was created using an AI-generated script. The information contained herein may contain inaccuracies." We have to add transparency disclaimers for ad partnerships and even the use of cookies, so why is AI content exempt?

  10. I don't think this will destroy our ability to think. It will destroy our trust in publications like this. It will make online account paid verification necessary, and it will make building trust with your consumers necessary.

  11. Poker isn't a solved game and true GTO is not known… there are GTO solvers and people do a lot of studying with them and it has made the understanding of GTO play much better understood… but those models are still limited by the game trees that are programmed into them (how many bet and raise sizes etc. the ranges of both players which in reality are not set in stone). In the real world there is a nearly infinite variety of game trees but in reality many of them will be quite similar anyhow. People usually try to narrow a game tree to a few bet sizes for each street so they can fit it all in memory and solve in a reasonable amount of time.

  12. You're overlooking one main point, the government will never allow this for all it will be military, government agents, and the "elite" only….

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