On our next livestream:
The Death of the Petro-Dollar.
What’s the history of the petro-dollar and is it dead? If the way #saudiarabia Saudi Arabia welcomed #Chinese President #Xi and the way Saudi Arabia welcomed U.S. President #Biden is any indication, the petrodollar is dead. If the petro-dollar is dead or on the way out what does this mean for the US #dollar and for #gold? Let’s go over it and discuss.

Before that we’ll take a look at a few things Tyler Wall CEO from SD Bullion said from his past interview. We’ll also take a look at a couple items from Gerald Celente’s Trends Journal and some current news and events from Twitter. Please join me Sunday night December 11th at 9pm Eastern, Monday morning December 12th at 10am #Singapore. See you then!

If you have a #401K, Self-Directed #IRA, Superannuation fund, or other retire accounts, now is the time to consider rolling it over into a precious metals IRA. Email me at SBTV@silverbullion.com.sg and I’ll help you to learn how to set up a precious metals retirement account. It’s easier than you think and yes the precious metals in your IRA can be stored in Singapore.

#Silver and #Gold accumulating, could be no more urgent than now. When you look at current events, markets, and where central banks are taking us, understanding wealth protection and getting hold of gold and silver as stores of value, and as an insurance, becomes extremely important. Come see what we can do for you at https://www.silverbullion.com.sg in #Singapore.

If you have concerns about what is going on around you, send us an email at sales@silverbullion.com.sg and we’ll let you know what options we have available for wealth protection for you.

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  1. Patrick, the Korean War then the Vietnam War were the impetus for the endless printing. the Cold War was secondary.

  2. The paper markets in NY and London are artificial and manipulated by too many paper contracts. JP Morgan has been fined multiple times.

  3. It is more of the same for the Saudis to make this type of deal, it seems if our world leaders were interested in leveling the playing field, they would level the playing field for all Nations. Instead of receiving any one Country's currency, Trade in gold and silver across the board! Peace.

  4. Thank you Sir, A Gift from the sky,,, Buy Buy Buy physical, Any fiat left Repeat, They cant print Silver /Gold

  5. Based on my calculations of the price of gold 100 years ago adjusted for the depreciation of the dollars 97 percent, I calculated the price at about 2000, but taken into account the most resent money printing, I now put the price at 2600 and silver at 100 to 125.

  6. US: Rebuilt; All WWII countries, enemy and friends. Financed; Korea & Vietnam Wars. ‘War on Poverty’ and other Social Experiments. Maintained NATO and Bases Worldwide.

  7. What am I doing …. First recognize what is happening. Get as independent as possible. Energy …. Food… bank… put extra parts and supplies away and prepare for your security…… have back up to backup plans.

  8. What to do? Well if you're American your standard of living is about to drop. If you can get a business going that can trade overseas because America has to start actually PRODUCING something to maintain balance of payments … and cynically, change your national emblem from the Eagle to the Banana.

  9. The other thing you missed was that Xi flew into the capital Riyadh , they shut the whole airport. Biden flew into Jeddah, a lesser town.

  10. ? for Patrick and his blog. I was at a Christmas party and missed it live. Merry Christmas my friend

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