How AI Is Changing The Future Of The Human Race | Spark

A look at the many and varied ways in which A.I is being used today to make our lives easier; from robots that keep the elderly company, to machines designed to imitate human behavior, emotions, and facial expressions.

Artificial intelligence is currently being used to make life easier. State-of-the-art robots are introduced and their expanding role in modern life is discussed.

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  1. Mrs Akio, "Oh, 'nother plesant flum Brackwalk.", "Thank you for wakey, wakey.", "Oh, you so cute.", raises arm with mini-lazer, blows off head of the sweet trusting Mrs Akio. [one hour later] "Blackrock delivery, anyone home?, "You late, me go home now?", "Not yet, you have a couple more for today.", "Can you unlock the door?"

  2. 50:24 nice sections if humans keep getting insane with modern age slower then normal? It's because improvement are at work on a 24 hours bases? Less then that!

  3. Each should try working out with there rollbot so the rid thems can be a balance before normal comans & orders if the rollbot is advance at z levels! Z level is dark ???? portol spectrum ability ties in at notice on inventions! Earth?

  4. Thanks humans on here for doing the simple human liveing for ai to keep a stander on ! So earth humans don't cheat themselves! Lol ???? 100*

  5. We are the real Dr Frankenstein looking to make someone better then us. I can see a transformation of human and machine as the next 2.0 homo sapiens machinus

  6. There's a lot of homeless cats and dogs in shelters who can do a lot better job of keeping company with someone, than a mechanical robot. Why not both? I saw a robot at CES Las Vegas designed to keep a dog company. It will play fetch and feed the dog and will communicate with the dog's owner as well. Also take photos and access internet. Oro Robot Dog.

  7. The robot at the end was acting more like a human than a robot, look at the Nazis for an example of that. We can't safeguard ourselves against AI, because we can't protect ourselves from other people. That where the fear is coming from. We will always be are own greatest danger.

  8. 하바사무일과거부맨국회일대하여나라국민들래미래대비하는일들로각끼드발람하며설개미래삼대비해주는거슬롯밧스설개하과리한다면사람이그거슬하는거시덜골치아풀걱갓따사람들읂말도만코저들해야할일대내지도못함며치링과살매더해가가개하는거시더만타진짜로사람들완전히미들수업는거시사실리다지겁따미들수엄는새상애서의심하며사라가는거시힘들개고
    생하고사는것도더힘들때가더만타 59:02

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