How to Turn $25k per year into $10M | Investing in Real Estate

Investing in real estate can be hard. Tricky. A lot of work. However, it can also be extremely rewarding if you get into it with a good process.

In this video, Paul will teach you how to turn k per year in M with real estate investing. You’re gonna want to see this, as we’ll go deep into what the process of investing in real estate looks like and how to get started.

#realestateinvesting #realestate

0:00 My story with real estate
2:06 Raising money for real estate
3:17 How to find properties to buy
9:37 Things you need to when you find a deal
14:22 Understanding the Numbers: Real Estate Example
23:11 The value of a real estate investment
24:11 You must do the work in real estate investing

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  1. I used to be annoyed because this channel had too many videos released taking over my subscription feed, but this content is just too good. Thanks for imparting your lessons, may I one day achieve financial freedom.

  2. I made a video like this about real estate returns using excel, but mine was long and boring. Yours was quick and engaging but still covered all the main points. Great video!

  3. Plus selling real estate usually results in big taxes (without a 1031) because of depreciation recapture ?

  4. This is so impressive. I always tell people that having different sources of income is the only way to survive the economy. You must never put all your eggs in one basket. Personally, as one who has been into Real Estates for as long as I can remember, I made my first million earlier this year from stocks alone (through the help of a pro though). I also experiment with a couple of other things. Imagine what the situation would had been given the present real estates market if I were solely banking on it. Goodluck!

  5. Despite the economic downturn. I'm so happy I have been earning $30,000 return from my $5,000 investment every 15days of trading. Thanks Mrs Kayla

  6. < first got into BTC back in 2016 and have been hodling/buying sats at different price points since. I've been through corrections before and will likely experience more over the future. Volatility is simply the price one needs to pay if they want to play. I don't have any Alts as I'm a bit of a BTC Maxi, but that said, if BTC hasn't died before, it surely won't do so now. Stick in there – yes we are all feeling the pain, but over the long run this will just be a blip. This is how I see past corrections when I felt that I got in at a high (back then I think it was less than $1000 and bouncing all over the place!). Now when I look back, all I see is regret for not having the courage in buying more at those times. But if you believe BTC has value, then by all means, buy the dips if you can afford to. For those who got in at 60 or 70K and feeling the crunch: hang in there. BTC is not a get rich quick scheme. Wait it out and you will see: you will come away stronger. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 6` btc with 3.1btc in just 5weeks from day trading with Expert MR. Cameron Bryon Crypto in a few weeks this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. Technical analysis is my second You can reach him on Whatsapp ✙12092884571?… and on ͲeIєɠɾαm @Cameronsignals Cheers and thank me later.

  7. Biggest lesson of 2022 in the stock market: Nobody knows what is going to happen next, so practice some humility and follow a strategy with a long term edge.

  8. Paul, can you do this analysis on the EU market? Currently, my flat is valued at ~140k and I pay only 490€ as rent. Even if we take out two zeros it is nowhere near 1.4k rent. Even if I finance it with 0% down on the fixed 3% 20year loan, my monthly payment would be close to 0.8k (1.5x) what I am currently paying as rent (this is only a monthly payment, without maintenance, repairs, taxes, utilities)… For me, it doesn't make any sense to buy a property unless you are some big crazy ass company or the price goes significantly down for m²…

  9. Interesting why you make real-estate video when mortgage rates are rising and banks are cutting jobs in mortgage sector.(basically a sure indicator that demand will drop and prices will start going down)if you buy now you buy at the top .Highly doubt you dont know that?


  11. Thanks for this video Paul ! I like the math explanation but since home appreciation relies on compound interest, the 3% appreciation should be more than $300/year on average (depending on how much you keep the house)

  12. ⬆️Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payouts, with the right skins and proper understanding of of how the market works

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