If You See THIS Headline, It Might Be Too Late To Stack Silver And Gold!

There is some news you might see that would indicate the end of the line for stacking gold and silver! Prepare now!
SALIVATE METAL 2 Oz Round: https://www.jmbullion.com/2-oz-salivate-metal-silver-round/
Donate: https://www.paypal.me/SalivateMetal
Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/salivate-metal
Buy Pocket Pinger: https://coinpingtest.com/referral/qQ1MbVIR/rqfOtL3XJad6EzBJ (referral Link)
#silver #gold #preciousmetals
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  1. Aussie gov tryn to bring in secretly cbdc whatever in over christmas ive already signed a petiton against this,
    Scary thing is alot of people esp the younger will like this ,untill it backfires on them ,and yes i now use ur analagy fairy fart dust and the crypo people i know hate it, another one us aussies use is.
    Rocking horse sh1t

  2. I think this is crazy to force a currency change like this. Great content you rock! Feel free to watch my video in response "Chicken Little Chicken Little The Silver Sky is Falling & Scotia bank Silver" Happy Stacking!

  3. I don't know. Certain gold and silver products seem to be going up a lot like American Gold and Silver Eagles. Many people might have to settle for cheaper bullion coins or generic rounds. We are already starting to see this.

  4. Well we've seen what happened to those in Lebanon and Turkey who didn't own gold and just hard cash. They lost 70% of the value of their currency.
    Indians and pakistanis are rushing to buy as much gold they can get their hands on, same event happening there too.
    China has officially bought 35 tons of gold but experts in Switzerland have been saying founderies are sending almost all their 9 kg bars over to China and that's gone on for years as they're preparing on making a currency that will be supported by gold, totally exchangeable as to avoid having to pay their petrol in dollars.
    But wait till the profit warnings on the stock exchange start coming out and the stockmarket crash. That's when gold and silver will have a field day.

  5. The site "Bitchute" alternative to YouTube has had its business bank account closed and their funds held by the bank. Therefore they can't even pay their experience at the moment.

  6. If you are comfortable with TOTAL government control and you have no problem with Uncle Sam knowing your EVERY financial transaction, this is great news!!!

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