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  1. I know investing in stocks will help me tons so I've been watching different videos about it but I still can't fully grasp them. I stumbled upon one video of yours this morning and liked the way you explained. Just soo eloquent and clear. Thanks so much! 🙂

  2. With the current state of the economy I think having multiple sources of income would not be a bad idea
    laying much emphasis on cryptocurrency and investments, though hundreds of thousands of people have gotten financial breakthrough from investment there are still opportunities for others too

  3. Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Show me a man with no investment and I'll tell you how long it takes to fail. The investment creates a safe haven for the future. With the right choice of investment that has at least a minimum risk of 2% and with expert advice, profits and interest are 100% guaranteed.

  4. I've been saving for awhile, so I can put my money to work, came across a success story of an investors that made up to $700,000 in few months from investing just $250K and I'd really appreciate it if I could get clues and pointers on how to make better profit

  5. I am retiring next yr at 55 with 3 houses paid off worth 4.5 million . One is my place of residence the other 2 properties will give me $80,000per/yr rent . I will have an income stream of $20,000 per yr through my super which gives me total $100,000 a yr to live comfortably . I have no debts … Stay Motivated!!

  6. When it comes to investing, what's your say to anyone with over 50k $ looking for the best ways to invest it and as well make good earnings off it?

  7. Thanks a lot for the, to my understanding this just proves how much we need an edge as investors because playing the market like everyone else just isn’t good enough. I have been a bit unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it's the best time to get started on the market, I've seen a bit of people accrue good amount of fortune in stocks, what are your thoughts?

  8. With markets tumbling, inflation soaring, the Fed imposing large interest-rate hike, while treasury yields are rising rapidly-which means more red ink for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the current volatile market, I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $125k bond/stock portfolio.

  9. My greatest concern is how to recover from all these economic and global troubles and stay afloat especially with the political power tussle going on in the US.

  10. The volatility in the market is alarming. How can i diversify my reserve across multiple markets while creating a comprehensive portfolio allocation that balances my concerns of risk aversion and returns that meet yearly inflation? I mean I've heard of people making up to $300k weeks during this crash and I'd like to know how.

  11. Having success in your businesses and investments is a great feeling especially when you’ve had fails or losses in the past years. And this not for promotional purposes but I recommend a strong handed professional like Expert Matej for your investment management

  12. I'm 17 and really have an hard time learning and understanding you explained this so well and I love it!!!

  13. Good presentation. I make passive income trading stocks a newbie, with the help of my broker who trades for me & now I've reached my goal of over a million dollar value.

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