Jim Rogers - US Dollar Will Be Replaced Just Like the Peso, Pound Sterling and the French Franc

Jim Rogers – US Dollar Will Be Replaced Just Like the Peso, Pound Sterling and the French Franc

SBTV spoke with Jim Rogers, global investor, and author, about whether gold and silver will once again be used as a monetary asset and what will replace the US dollar eventually as the world’s reserve currency. The dollar will go the way of the Spanish peso, British pound sterling, the French franc, and other reserve currencies in the past.

Discussed in this interview:
00:00 Introduction
01:28 No incentive to work with government stimulus
03:18 The Fed is either ignorant or lying
05:33 What will replace the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency
07:30 China’s rise
10:38 A cashless world
14:06 Safe haven assets – gold & silver
17:56 Green new world needs copper and nickel
21:07 Hot commodities to look out for

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  1. Join us for our next live stream on 30th May at 9pm ET as we review the latest news happening during this time of crisis in the real economy.

  2. I’m confused, so many died from Covid per gov statistics, businesses going out of business, most people on unemployment, many job openings, but no one can find a place to rent and people spending $100k and more on homes from a year ago…everything is more expensive 30% however everyone is shopping buying everything…nothing makes sense ?

  3. You guys always want to blame the poor but the fact is the rich have never been richer and they dont want to pay there fair shear the people are expected to work for nothing. The rich need to be taxed in a system like we had in the 50's corporations should not be allowed to leave the country and sell here. The only people getting a free lunch is the wealthy. The wealthy are socialized and the poor are subsidizing the rich. Jim is right in some of what he says but not in most.

  4. i trade BTCs and i have more gold and silver…win win. Get on and move on even if we are old.. FGS, learn a new asset.

  5. The people in the know are accumulating gold and silver, why would they tell everyone to buy now when that would drive the price up while they are still buying.

  6. Once the greatest depression starts in 2022 how will this electrification of the world continue?

  7. Trump predicted a financial crisis if Biden/Harris won. Your votes have consequences.

  8. The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give, give. Their drink is sour: they have committed whoredom continually: her rulers with shame do love, Give ye. But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

  9. Well I mean America and all the other nations have always printed a lot of money while they could this really isn't anything new I mean everyone's like acting like oh my God they've never seen this before I mean you know just because everybody's been in a stupor for the past 50 years doesn't mean that the printing hasn't been going on

  10. @4:28 I at least agree they are not being honest. The fact is the use of reputation and public statements, and implied meaning can keep the dollar afloat. They have some influence on the circulation of dollars through out the globe, and that is also big. 
    The real question is DO THEY WANT THE DOLLAR TO SURVIVE?!?!?! I do not think they have a replacement reserve/gold replacement ready. I don't think they are ready to use gold and silver for money, as that would be a "jump out of the building" type embarrassment. I just don't think they are going to dress in sack cloth and ashes any time soon. IMHO

  11. Wilson was one of the worst presidents ever, WW1, IRS, Federal Reserve. One could argue that the Fed was created illegally is so much as congress has the sole right to make money. Constitution didn't say it could delegate that right to a private bank. What is even more interesting is the Federal Reserve is neither a bank nor a Federal agency. It is run by a board of gov that the federal government has no say on. Only the Fed Chair is appointed. Fed should be done away with and the country should go back on the gold standard.

  12. Thank you Jim Rogers. We need the truth to get out so we can all survive. They keep packing more explosives into the bomb of an economy. The more the put in the greater the damage will be done.

  13. So passive in letting things, horrible things, come into fruition. Ever think about fighting? ''duh….ok….I guess it's gonna happen…..so I'll just sit on my ass and let 'the powers that be' do what they want' WTF

  14. PATRICK last question to broad I think. Some like me say they wouldn't buy the gold. Some maybe yes because its PATRICK. Others maybe yes because they feel confident they know a fake!??

  15. Very good, A Gift from the sky, Buy Buy Buy Physical, Any fiat left, Repeat, They cant print Silver /Gold

  16. The peso was never a global money. The Spanish real was. Real was the official Spanish currency for hundreds of years, from the middle of the 14th century to 1864.

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