My plan for Buying Silver Bullion in 2023!

In this video I will discuss my plan for buying Silver Bullion in 2023!

#silver #coins #bullion

Disclaimer: At times I will share MY thoughts and opinions but they are exactly that “My” opinions. I do NOT give advise

On my channel I may speak about precious metals,and maybe cryptocurrencies at times among other topics including but not limited to other “markets,” and current events. I am not a financial adviser and do not charge anyone for my videos/opinions, this channel is for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. My views/statements are ONLY my opinions that I have formed on my stacking/collecting journey. You are responsible for your own stacking, trading, investing, etc. Please do your research I am not responsible for your actions. I would highly advise seeking advice from a licensed financial advisor. Not from me
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  1. Thank you everyone for watching. Please hit the thumbs up button on the video and let me know your 2023 plans! Thank you all!

  2. Depends on premiums
    ASE, Peace dollar if they come out. An continue series on rounds. 5 or 10
    oz bars depending on spot & premiums.

  3. Buy mexican libertad silver coins, I've been getting them across the border for 30.00 to 35.00 a peice.

  4. My 2023 plan would be to encourage as many people as possible to boycott APMEX. These "fake" deals that NO ONE can get even if you show up at 8am on the dot… Year after year, they claim to be "shocked" at the website traffic. Ya man, WHATEVER. Enough is enough. Every year I foolishly give them another chance. Hope against hope. And every year, they find a way to somehow let me down. If you're sick and tired of greedy major deals, then hit the thumb up.

  5. I have no plan per se. I will buy what I want when premiums are reasonable. That said I will buy an ASE, Kookaburra and Britannia with the King for collection purposes. I will not buy anything that implies the country I love is broken even if I think it is.

  6. Great video. I think premiums are only going to continue to climb unfortunately. Probably focusing my attention more on bullion and less on higher premium coins.

  7. I like your plan SW. minus the Maple. Playing it by ear. Budget & stuff. Blew my yearly budget on the 2023 subscription of proof M&P dollars!?✌?❤️???

  8. As I mentioned earlier I am a sucker for monarchy (kings and queens on coins. I'm not talking about the British monarchy only but Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Jordan, Eswatini(Swaziland), Lesotho, Morocco, Bhutan, Thailand and Tonga.

  9. Silver Wolverine, I don't plan to buy any more silver coins except for a 2023 Maple with Charles III's effigy. So no Britannias, Eagles, privately minted rounds. I have not bought any Trump silver rounds because I don't like both, Trump and Biden. All the presidents from Bush onwards in the 21st century have all failed America.

  10. I have not thought about my plan for 2023, Silver Wolverine. Earlier I mentioned that I stopped collecting gold and silver in 2018. If I do buy silver bullion, I will buy a Silver Canadian Maple Leaf in 2023 solely for the coin having King Charles III's effigy. This will probably be later in 2023. As far as I know the RCM will only release Maples with the new effigy of Charles III later on in the year, so some 2023 will still have Queen Elizabeth II on them.

  11. I'm trying to get chunky need to throw some extra bacon grease in there to stack on the extra poundage. Ive got my eye on 500 oz it's going to take a cew years to get there though.

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