
Shortages to Grow in this Bullion vs Derivative Price Bifurcation Era

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SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel: Following up on a video we made six months ago highlighting the shrinking supplies of base metals in western world inventories.

This fresh chart highlights how dwindled the inventory level situation still remains at the London Metal Exchange.

Perhaps this year’s commodity price selloffs and relative fiat US dollar strength over the last year have helped quiet this ongoing constraint.

One only has to look back over the past dozen years to understand how supply shortages in metals and energy have happened.

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Original No Metals Supply video by SD Bullion from April 22, 2022

The trends and evidence point to my firm opinion of where this eventually leads. Basically, there will come an era where any large deliverable amounts of either silver bullion and or gold bullion priced reasonably close to spot and/or futures market quotations will not be findable.

Those that are too late will get to own underperforming unsecure ETF slush funds like $SLV, $GLD, or $IAU. Good luck.

I sincerely hope you’ll not be one of them, having secured your prudent bullion stashes before a potential wide-scale physical bullion shortage era arrives globally, especially in the western investment world.

That is all for this week’s SD Bullion Market Update.

As always, to you out there, take great care of yourselves and those you love.
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