Silver SOLD Out Shutting Down Supply – Andy Schectman | Silver bullion

Silver SOLD Out Shutting Down Supply – Andy Schectman | Silver bullion
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  1. If anybody looking for gold or silver physical JM bullion they have as much as you need and you get it guaranteed within three days free shipping over $300

  2. more click bait BS. they need to do this or no one would click on this years long fake doom and gloom anymore.

  3. This guy has been making these claims forever. If he didn’t need a YT channel to make ends meet, he’d be able to buy any one or more of the readily available half million ounce lots of silver that he could access for delivery next week with a 5 minute phone call.

  4. In Canada I have just placed five orders and every one of them was filled within two days and shipped out

  5. SD buillion has plenty my neighborhood dealers have plenty but they are 8 to 10 $12 more than anybody else….. Andy select men is trying to scare you and scare you it's what he's always done wall street's silver and the red crowd try to scare you to drive the prices up so they can get out they need to get out…. I've been trying to tell people this for a long time when the price was 30 I got out everything I went through the house made sure I got every ounce gone and I'm not ready to back the truck up yet maybe in 4 months Janet yellen is trying to turn the treasury on we will see if Janet yellen turns a treasury on I'll back the truck up

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