Global Gold & Silver Bullion Supply Tightens – Premiums Rising

The Fed Must Decide – Implode The Global Economy Or Destroy The Dollar ► The supply of gold and silver bullion around the world is tightening, and as a result the premiums for physical products are climbing fast. One market with the highest premiums is China. Why is China buying so much gold? Possibly […]

Bitcoin On-Chain: Percentage Of Supply In Profit/Loss

It is time yet again for us to put on our on-chain analysis hat with regards to #Bitcoin. Are there any overall trends in the percentage of #Bitcoin is profit/loss that could be helpful for navigating the #cryptoverse? In this video, we take a look! This chart shows the percentage of existing coins whose price […]

Silver SOLD Out Shutting Down Supply – Andy Schectman | Silver bullion

Silver SOLD Out Shutting Down Supply – Andy Schectman | Silver bullion ⬇ Inspired By: ⬇ #silverprice #silverstacking ——– ? Checkout These Similar Videos?: ——- ? Don’t Forget To Subscribe For More: Video Rating: / 5