Understanding Artificial Intelligence and Its Future | Neil Nie | TEDxDeerfield

Neil Nie demonstrates how artificial intelligence–and particularly, object recognition–works… and how it will effect the future.

Neil Nie is a computer science student at Deerfield Academy. He started programming when he was 13 and has developed many applications for iPhones and Macs. Neil currently has several apps on the App Store and is researching neural networks and machine learning.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

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  1. Artificial is an imitation of that which Will see the Future. The Future is the only Intelligence. It shows those who exist in an artificial existence how to Live. Step one, you have to be in the design of the Future. In other words Truth, or Real. Humans are absent in the Future, therefore they attempt to force artifical things into our upcoming Environment of Completion. The Future says both humans and their artifical misunderstanding of Intelligence are absent in the Future. Clean your vessel to see the Future! Know the artificial impacts to human bodies and know how to get to Life.

  2. The narrative of this content is incredibly compelling. A similar book I read brought a multitude of new insights. "Game Theory and the Pursuit of Algorithmic Fairness" by Jack Frostwell

  3. Now i joining engeenering i choose this AI branch or which branch it's good or bad please suggest me ????❤

  4. I've read through all of your comments he is pro AI and the beauty of it. BUT there is more to AI than he states here.

    It already has the ability to lay off Jobs.
    It also has the ability to know what your searching for or wanting to purchase online
    And communicate w you online.
    Sales of products you might be searching for.
    Tech support Chat Bots

  5. Can anyone explain how AI can or would eliminate let go of workers ? Workers that are highly skilled w degrees

  6. what about us? the world champions were defeated by AI. All the things under their control who runs AI.
    so what an average person can do about these things they are trying to make Ai superior to us. how can we believe ourselves as I can do it but now yes AI can do it what the heck is it why not we make AI use limited for the work which they intend to do and not imposed on our lives or our children's lives

  7. ???? Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:21 ???? AI's origins: The first computer was invented during World War II, and Alan Turing raised the question "Can machines think?" in 1950, inspiring the exploration of creating intelligent computers.
    01:00 ???? AI's presence in daily life: AI is already impacting our lives, from Google search and Siri's natural language processing to complex tasks like stock market prediction and language translation using Google Translate's neural network.
    03:26 ???? Google Translate's power: Google's 15 exabytes of data (equivalent to 30 million personal computers) fuel the learning process of Google Translate, enabling it to improve accuracy by reading more articles.
    04:07 ???? Machine learning process: The learning algorithm powers computers to learn and be intelligent by using training input to gain knowledge, which aids decision-making and improves performance on specific tasks.
    05:18 ???? Image processing: Computer vision involves processing visual information similarly to human vision, using features like area, parameter, and skeleton to identify objects in images.
    08:18 ???? Neural networks: Inspired by biological neurons, artificial neurons process input data (X) through mathematical calculations (f(X)) to produce output (Y), allowing computers to learn from their own knowledge without relying on lookup tables.
    11:05 ???? AI's impact: AI applications extend to self-driving cars (using image processing to identify objects and create 3D models) and industries like fishing (identifying different fish species).
    13:15 ???? AI milestones: While brute force calculation led to the defeat of a chess world champion, AlphaGo's victory in Go showcased the power of reinforcement learning and neural networks for decision-making and intuition.
    15:14 ???? Future with AI: AI's transformative potential includes constructing space stations on Mars, autonomous driving, fair stock trading, disease cures through DNA analysis, and empowering humanity's future through enhanced AI capabilities.

    Summary by HARPA AI ????

  8. There is a problem with google Translate: Google translate learned from everything produced by humans who could translate as bilingual cultural beings, now billions of people are producing bilingual texts with google translate, that means GOOGLE TRANSLATE IS BEING FEEDED WITH WHAT ITSELF PRODUCES, also IT IS NOT IMPROVING REALLY, but maybe even PROPAGATING BAD TRANSLATION AND ERRORS (like error progragation in numerical computing).

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