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  1. If you need to watch youtube to figure this out then im guessing you dont need cover letters for the sort of jobs you're qualified for.

  2. Except everyone uses AI LLM detection and if you've used chatGTP you're not going to get anywhere near to an interview…????

  3. if u want much higher level AI and accurate guys I'll introducing AI CHAT DEEPAI the AI CHAT DEEPAI is so powerful and much better than OPENAI since start 2015-2018 and u can show ur picture and video and anything u want

  4. Then you lose the job at the fbi after you do the lie detector part and say you didn't write the cover letter because you like to cut corners and not do your own work.

  5. Except they can put it back into chatgpt ask it “did you create this” and it will tell them yes

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