What To Invest In During This Recession, Crypto Legality, Casper Coin & XRP Scam

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  1. Now is the time to invest in cryptocurrencies. with the world moving towards a more digital system with this covid19 situation. I have been investing in cryptos at Glofinancials for the past two years and their services are tremendously profitable. turned $60k i had wasting away to more than $120k in the first year. I was lucky to get very good manager from the firm who is very good in what he does who made it possible for me to buy two rentals from my proceeds last year so yea, it's that great. cryptos are the future guys!

  2. I pick Bitcoin obviously but I have a recommendation for you all if you are interested though.Guess what?

  3. These people hack accounts who already have 300k subscribers and change the platform completely to BG. People aren't gullable to subscribe to these accounts, but there are some who are giving money so these need to be taken down.

  4. Привет! спасибо автору данного ролика за информацию и его работу. Криптовалютный рынок перенасыщен большим количеством монет, среди которых нужно найти те на которых можно заработать, мы пришли на биржи что бы зарабатывать, не правда ли? 3 года назад я познакомилась с молодой криптовалютой ПРИЗМ (PZM), которая привлекла мое внимание своей способностью добываться непосредственно в своем кошельке, парамайниться. Ни каких затрат на доп оборудование и электроэнергию. Я решил попробовать как это работает и зарегистрировал кошелек призм, купил на бирже 1000 монет и завел их в кошелек, на моих глазах количество моих монет стало увеличиваться, это включился парамайнинг, который работает и днем и ночью, даже при выключенном компе. Напарамайненные монеты можно продать на бирже , это прибыль, а депозит будет продолжать работать,принося ежедневный доход. ПРИЗМ- это инструмент пассивного и надежного заработка в интернете, о которм мечтают все,кто владее компьютером. ПРИЗМ- это возможность достичь финансовой независимости. Воспользуйтесь этой возможностью. Желаю всем удачи!

  5. Stock in Hotels because when they open back up in Vegas they will sky rocket so buy them low now. Clorox, gold and Bitcoin

  6. Amazon is your hedge in stocks – which I'd never touch.
    Gold is your commodity – which Id love to touch.
    Bitcoin is your currency – holdings dont get smaller when you touch.

  7. Interest rates don’t work that way in America. That’s all I said and he keeps deleting comments.

  8. Brad Garlinghouse/XRP: Sooooo many gullible humans out there. Its called natural selection. Roll with it. (Don't get me wrong, its sad so many evil people out there willing to perpetrate these scams, but those that fall for it are not faultless) It takes 2 to tango.

  9. The scammers don't have that many subscribers.
    Either a) they stole someone's account, or b) they've figure out a way to manipulate the number.

  10. When all this virus BS hype is over, only then will this market shine.
    Currently people are loosing their $$ & jobs hand over fist, so there is simply no liquidity to invest!

  11. So many are afraid to state the obvious; maybe “political correctness”. Thanks for being upfront about crypto appreciation. (Volatility aside)

  12. I made my money 2009 to 2015. I think theres much more to fall this year. This QE injection will wear off fast. Gold will fall back for 6 months, then moon as it did in 2009 for several years. I think you like Mcdonalds and GE.

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