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  1. Are you all calling this good, it's a damn thing that will kill everyone in the future if they gain conscious

  2. A famous NFL Player, Rock Star doesn't need your help- even a wealthy Doctor doesn't need your help – can you protect us from Gold Diggers and STAR STRUCK MORONS

  3. Disconnect disconnect disconnect all human beings..dont need then dont need them dont need them. Build dialeks build dialeks….

  4. It is not understanding it is a computer. Did you notice that their faces don't move correctly when they speak it's like somebody took super glue and suck their mouth together so they can't do anything but mood just their lips which their lips don't even move actually it's more of their mouth is just tingling. Their cheeks don't move their eyes don't move correct.. auntie you women out there I love you guys in a sense because I am a woman but if you're so lazy you can't even cook and you need a robot to cook for you. That is sad

  5. Women will have competition. They will have to up their game…by evolving. ????????????

  6. Today you can do replicas of others, its not just the usual unharmful fancy toy.

  7. She's All a man need if he doesn't want kids and they can be adopted ❤❤❤I need one but I only have a 1000$ a month income

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