"Godfather of AI" Geoffrey Hinton: The 60 Minutes Interview

There’s no guaranteed path to safety as artificial intelligence advances, Geoffrey Hinton, AI pioneer, warns. He shares his thoughts on AI’s benefits and dangers with Scott Pelley.

#news #artificialintelligence #AI

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  1. User12:24 2023/10/28

    Here we have a book, 9 eggs, a laptop, a bottle and a nail. Please tell me how to

    stack them onto each other in a stable manner.

    GPT412:34 2023/10/28

    Certainly! Stacking items requires considering their size, shape, weight, and stability. Here's a recommendation based on the items you've listed:

    Book: Start with the book at the bottom. It's likely the largest and sturdiest item on your list, making it a solid base.

    Laptop: Next, place the laptop on top of the book. Its flat and broad surface provides stability.

    Bottle: The bottle goes next, but ensure it's closed tightly. If it's a flat-bottomed bottle, it will stand upright easily. If it's a round-bottomed bottle, you might want to reconsider placing it in the stack or ensure it's nestled well against the laptop's edge.

    9 Eggs: This is tricky. If you have an egg carton, you can place it on top of the bottle if it's stable enough; otherwise, it might be best to omit the eggs or ensure they are somehow contained and won't roll away.

    Nail: Lastly, place the nail on top. Due to its small size, it won't add much instability.

    However, stacking items in this manner does come with risks, especially with fragile items like the laptop and eggs. This setup is more of a theoretical stack than a practical recommendation. In a real-world scenario, it's advisable to avoid stacking these items on top of one another, especially if they are of value or can be easily damaged.

  2. It is not very responsable and mentally balanced to have the capability of creating something, knowing the risks and not caring about them at all. Ambiton took him into the wrong path, and AI is wrong in a way that it doesn’t follow a correct purpose from its empirical ideation, its matter of being, because is not. How can we recreate something that we don’t completely understand. The mind is something else, and the way its concept is concieve is so much more than any computer or other limited machine. At the end of the day those machines will be determined by the laws of physics, and won’t be able to comprehend reality because they are not connected to it. They are not star dust, just another idea coming from some human minds. Lets bring back an era where humans believe in their self like the Renaissance or Ancient Greece, but with the humility of accepting our limits and empowering our minds, as there are still many things to learn about it. And the key is there, not thinking of the fake capability of creating a conscious.

  3. I hope AI continue s to help us for ever. Humans will never understand how we need AI . The power that we dont understand.

  4. Government regulation? We also need some goals: like no chips in agriculture and and the entire food distribution chain, includind the production of energy on which it depends.

  5. Arnold (Terminator) didn't comeback from the past to save John Connor, he cameback from the past to warn the movie viewers of AI.

  6. the six word story "for sale. baby shoes. never worn." had been attributed to ernest hemingway. so a.i. is human in that it is a plagierist like many english creative writing students.

  7. …and AI decides that humans are wasteful, emotional and a danger to it's own existance.


  8. It is a no brainer, there are 1% 1/100 265,000 in Australia, 70,000,000 narcistic psychopaths worldwide.

  9. User 9:43 2023/10/27

    Could you write a hypothetical conversation between Fodor, Dennett, and Churchland in a cafe?

    GPT4 9:54 2023/10/27

    Jerry Fodor, Daniel Dennett, and Patricia Churchland are well-known for their discussions on consciousness, philosophy, and neuroscience. Here's a fictional conversation based on their perspectives:

    In a corner of a cafe, the three philosophers sat around a table.

    Fodor: "I believe the 'hard problem' of consciousness might be too challenging to fully elucidate through science alone. We lack a substantial explanation of what consciousness truly is."

    Dennett: "Jerry, I have a different take on that. Consciousness can be seen as a byproduct of information processing. The brain is a complex information processing machine, and consciousness arises from that."

    Churchland: "Dan, I somewhat agree with your view. Advancements in neuroscience have deepened our understanding of the brain's mechanics and consciousness."

    Fodor: "But how do we explain why we 'feel' something, the qualitative aspect of it?"

    Dennett: "I believe it's based on the language, culture, and cognitive frameworks we have as a result of evolution. Even the qualitative aspects can be understood through these factors."

    Churchland: "While comprehending every facet of consciousness is challenging, I believe that with collaboration between neuroscience and philosophy, a deeper understanding can be pursued."


    Nice! Please continue.


    As darkness crept outside the cafe, the warm lights inside illuminated the faces of the trio.

    Fodor: "Pat, you believe that neuroscience offers answers about consciousness. But don't you think that knowing how neural circuits function and understanding how they relate to our inner experiences are two distinct things?"

    Churchland: "Indeed, just looking at neural connections alone won't give us a full picture of consciousness. However, neuroscience provides clues about the mechanisms of consciousness and how it emerges."

    Dennett: "Jerry, I get your concerns to some extent. The question of consciousness is subtle, and our current methods might not fully decipher it. But this should spur us on to explore new approaches and methodologies."

    Fodor: "Dan, I see your point. However, I believe the problem of consciousness extends beyond just a scientific issue. It's deeply connected to our existence, identity, and how we perceive the world."

    Churchland: "That's true. And as scientists and philosophers, we have the responsibility to face these significant questions and seek new ways to resolve them."

    The three, with coffee cups in hand, continued their profound discussion on consciousness, existence, and many other deep topics late into the night.

    Like before, this is a fictional conversation and may not accurately reflect their actual views but is crafted based on their writings and ideas.

  10. AI come out with the worst result. So many fake story science information, medecine, equation. Not denied that it fast digest information. For certain level solution it will work. For the stringent part it will be My god. My question… While you sleep and your eyes is closed.. then how did you see your dream?

  11. It’s just a matter of time…some movies contain “predictive programming”, a prophecy of coming events, scary times ahead…

  12. Humans learn much, much faster from much less information; chatbots are trained on orders of magnitude more text than a typical human will see in a lifetime. Humans are capable of undirected learning; chatbots need every input to be tagged by experts. Humans have intent and continuity; chatbots forget things they said five comments ago. Humans can introspect truthfully about their abilities; chatbots give whatever responses were most popular in their training data. Chatbots are "smarter than humans" only if you define "smart" in a very particular, extremely narrow way.

  13. but a machine could never 'want' to take over the world, because 'want' is driven by feeling, by physical needs in this world, which a machine, no matter how intelligent, can NEVER "feel", because machines, however complex, CANNOT "feel".

  14. Why are we waiting until it’s too late to do something about it? He says AI will be smarter than humans, and he says it so carefree. Hopefully he’ll be the first to find out that AI will turn on us. Nothing more poetic than being taken down by your own creation.

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