How I Turned $1,500 to $60k in One Month!

You asked for it, so here it is! you’re confused about the concept of options or any terminology in this video, check out my beginner’s guide to options video: ☛

All of my trades the first month:

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Webull is a great platform for trading stock options. Get 2 FREE stocks (until 12/14/2020) when you signup for Webull and deposit 0:
My first trade was buying 2 contracts of QQQ puts. QQQ is an ETF comprised of Nasdaq tech stocks. It’s also fairly volatile. I was betting that the price would be lower than 6 by March 6th. I paid 4 for each contract for a total of 8. Luckily for me, the market took a little tumble and two days later, I sold both contracts for ,670 apiece for a total profit of ,492.

My next big trade was as follows:
On March 2nd, I bought 20 contracts of Las Vegas Sands puts. I figured things were going to get shut down due to the pandemic and their casinos would take a hit. These contracts were 7 apiece. Well, I was right and the stock continued to tumble. By the 16th, the share price had gone from to . My options were now worth 0 each. I decided to sell 14 of my 20 contracts for ,200… netting a 00 profit. And I still owned 6 contracts in case the stock continued to fall. I ended up selling the final six contracts on April 3rd for 0 apiece. The total trade netted me ,860 in profit… all from a ,140 initial options purchase on LVS.

Okay, then I bought two contracts of Spy puts on March 4th for 7 each. In case you aren’t familiar, Spy is an ETF that tracks the S&P 500 – so it’s not just a single stock like Apple. Just five days later, these same contracts were worth .90 so I sold them for a profit of 86.

On March 10th, I played Spy again, purchasing 5 contracts of puts for 5 apiece. Six days later, I sold 4 of the 5 contracts for .55 apiece, netting a profit of ,395 and leaving me with one contract, once again, in case the market continued to fall. I ended up selling that last contract for ,956 for a grand total of ,351 in profit on March 18th. Now If I would’ve held all 5 of my contracts until the 18th, I could’ve made an extra ,000 in profit, but you never want to let your green positions turn red and it’s impossible to know what the market will do the next day. You’ll never go broke by locking in profit – as they say, pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.

I played Spy puts a few more times.
I bought 3 contracts for .61 on March 10th again, selling 8 days later for 90 per contract for a total of ,887 in profit.

At this point in time, all of my puts were really paying off. I did play Spy Calls on the 17th. I bought 5 contracts of 4 calls for 0 each and sold just before the market closed that day for 5 each, for a quick 00 profit.

I think my first losing trade was on March 18th when I bought 10 contracts of CODX for 0 each. That trade went against me and I sold the next day for per, losing 0.

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  1. Great Video! But I made my first million through trading stocks and inves-ting as a beginner but assisted by an expert obviously; Elizabeth Ernst David. We met at a trading conference and I looked her up online thereafter. Bottom line, she agreed to guide me and I've had no cause to regret ever since.

  2. There are restrictions that could limit one from achieving this so I use a user friendly platform enabling I trade on a cash account and above the PDT rule for high profitable trades, I make around 3k weekly using service of an expert%

  3. Can someone please explain to me why in (f.e.) 5:17 he buys when price is up, he solds when it's low and he wins money?
    What kind of trade or whatever is this?

  4. Question:

    I have one of those Robinhood ATM cards but it only spends the "Buying Power" money and not the "stocks." I'm not sure what to do because I want to spend the "Buying Power" on my trades or stocks. I want to spend the stocks with the ATM card. How can I access it? Like you have 60k….how do I access the 60k on my end, so to speak?

  5. Opening scene is a FAKE – this guy only started his Youtube Channel in June 2020 – LOL – oh and happened to record a trade in March 2020!!! FFS!!

  6. Your first trade is 505 usd out of 1000. Over 50%. How much of your trading portfolio do you recommend in % to put in each trade?

  7. I fucked up, I started with $800 and turned it into $3000 in like two weeks then in another two weeks I turned it into 6500. And today AMD fucked me over and I’m back at 0

  8. Despite the economic downturn, I'm having the best time of my life financially. Earning over $83k in the last 2months with an investment of $19,000. Money can be made even in a bear market. Make the most of it

  9. I just realized I have that same brass bulldog haha, mine is old and tarnished a bit… never knew where it came from but it's fun to see it randomly on your desk. Great content, love your videos by the way.

  10. hello guys the most thing i learn it if you want to make money don't trade with small amount we think we are gonna to make our money growing but the truth is no of course like we got scammed from the market they are eating our money fro gr'ow

  11. And for the last 30 days I can't get my account passed 600 I keep going from 600 to 200 back to 600 etc ..I'm too nervous and soon as I'm in the red I sell..but when I'm green I never take profits

  12. Getting into the trade market panned out to be one of the smartest moves I've made financially after I got introduced to it by a colleague.

  13. I’m now learning option trading and have gotten the Jiffs of it but.. what do I trade, I’m not sure where to start as a beginner. I honestly just need some advice from a non Financial advisor.

    Where did you start in trading options?

    I’m taking everything with a grain of salt, so I understand I shouldn’t do exactly what non financial advisor say lol. I just need an idea of where I should look.

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