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  1. I feel like it’s gonna be the other way around I feel like it will eliminate white collar jobs since AI can pretty much do all the jobs that it takes 600 office workers to do and it’ll also help in mathematics and research because it will be able to go through more calculations than a room of the smartest people on earth

  2. There are over 8 Billion “Intelligent” brains on the planet today, see where that has got us?
    Each intelligence is far more powerful than the present AIs.
    AI today is no more powerful than a flees brain.
    So the word ‘hype’ comes to mind when you speak about your new toy called AI.

  3. You can trust AI as long as you don’t use AI for revenge porn for the girlfriend you didn’t deserve… The fuck out of here

  4. Asking someone in the business of promoting his own product to predict it's detrimental effects is ridiculous. This isn't the dawn of the industrial age where the workers can take a short step aside & learn a different method of production. This is a sweeping centralization of power & the final nail in the coffin for the middle class. Cptn.Dork's solution is a billionth of a percent 'stake' in what ever bond to be determined by an algorithm's idea of my life's worth obviously run by the winners in this brave new world. Who knows who'll still be able to buy the robot produced widgets ?!? "Them" I guess. "Cognitive jobs" I think he's over stating that groups true description. More like a condescending over generalization of fields in which he has little understanding. Nah, I see this as a quicker path to the ever widening gap between the haves & the had at one times. Formation of a huge welfare class going in the opposite direction of Social liberty Being constantly watched & scrutinized by big brother is not how human beings thrive. Which is what it's being used for now. If I'm still alive when they make me redundant, I'll soon be down in the sewers w/Denis Leary eating rat burgers & planning.

    The first unadulterated, inconvenient truth spoken by a super intelligent A.I. will of course be co-opted by the powers that be. They pretty much ignore basic common sense in favor of self interest now don't they ?
    A utopian future by relinquishing responsibility to a machine that can only simulate remorse or pain ? A sales pitch, nothing more. A pipe dream where instead we all end up living amongst the pipes. We already have mathematical models that can predict economic inequality, drought & disease etc… Are they used ? No because one man's burden = another's profit. Is the race for A.I. being funded by grass roots every day people ? Or by governments & large corporate interests ? Pretty much all you need to know. Put the money in public transportation & Bike paths instead, damn fools

  5. After listening to this, I think nobody has a clue how dangerous or beneficial AI will be. It feels like introducing old people from the 1600s to a smartphone

  6. Let’s see how Ai goes because the 3d tv technology and the VR haven’t been well recived by the public.

  7. These are the detached "humanoids" that want the masses out of their way so they can have MORE of the world to themselves

  8. LMAO WHEN HE SAID “What a fascinating idea” I knew he stole that idea for himself lmao ????????????

  9. This is a bullshit idea. It’s only putting millions of people out of work, and making rich corporations even richer because they are able to save on labor costs. That’s the real thing that will happen

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