Pros/Cons of Real Estate vs. Stock Investing | Phil Town

Should you invest in stocks, in real estate, or both? There are advantages and disadvantages to each option. Today, I talk about the pros and cons of each and what to think about when investing in either real estate or stocks. Which method of investing is best? Which is the more risk-averse?

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passive income, real estate or stocks, investing in real estate, stock market investing,
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  1. So what do you think? Will you invest in stocks, real estate, or both? Let me know in the comments now ??

    Test your knowledge of the great investor Warren Buffett with my new free quiz! Click here >>

  2. I did a little real estate investing in Hawaii and preparing to do again.
    Purchased 2bd condo in 2010 for $196k and 3bd condo in 2017 for $250k.
    Lived in them a little, rented them for a little, and sold them for $330k and $355k in 2019.
    Nice down payment for my 3bd single family house last year.
    Looking to purchase again in Hawaii and try abroad… Japan.
    No experience with stock market, though I’ve been watching your videos to learn.
    On Friday I purchased my first stocks, one VISA and one MasterCard, now to watch and learn Mr. Market moves. Aloha.

  3. I joined Mr Tommy Park weekly trading session after hearing about much winnings attained from different beneficiaries of her trading system. I traded £800 and got a huge payout of £6,240. Certainly not going to miss out on the next session. Contact him via Whatsapp; (+12133365713) or through unlimitedparkertrades@gmailcom

  4. Really annoying that I had not invested a long time ago, I actually mailed Tommy Park 4 months ago, but I was nervous and ran away because I wasn't really sure and what I had was not actually enough or should I say my last cash?, it wasn't just the right time . The first investment I made 2 weeks ago of $3,000 won me $32,000 last week, $32,000 is actually not so much but the result is not so easy to bring to reality, I must applaud his efficiency as I am not the only one he has done this for, my brother also trades with her and he is doing well, contact this star professionnal at ( unlimitedparkertrades@gmailcom , i can't thank him enough.

  5. Thanks so much for your insights!!! Do you have thoughts on farmland investing? My mom and 2 uncles own 160 acres of land in Kansas, have a good farmer farming it, and get 1/3 of the profits from the wheat. The land is about $3500 per acre. Once they're getting ready to sell, it sounds like the proceeds from the wheat wouldn't even cover interest on a loan, but I could get close to buying about half of it with cash. The value would be long term growth of the land price, and a protection against inflation. Any thoughts on this kind of real estate (farmland) investing?

  6. Rule one investing has intrigued me most as the style to invest. I have been waiting patiently as you suggested for a downturn which seems we are getting. My first property was purchased in 2002 with a $6000 down payment. I don’t believe your video mentioned leveraging but doing so help me get multiple properties overtime creating a bunch of equity all with a small down payment. Now I’m using that equity to purchase stocks.

  7. I invested heavily in real estate during the housing crisis and became a landlord of a large property portfolio. I now plan to invest heavily into wonderful companies at fantastic prices due to this coronavirus crisis using Rule1 principles. Glad I went all to all cash in my retirement portfolio last summer!

  8. This is just the tip of the bear market, will continue to bleed for weeks, if not months. Feds will be printing so much free money, but it won't be enough. This is going to be a blood bath.

  9. Really depends on the market for real estate. Some cities are in bubbles and the downside risk is very great. Plus the extra costs associated with it can make it an expensive proposition. Credit is super cheap so it does make it attractive. I’m all in on stocks, I can make quick returns and it’s very fast and easy to sell. I’m looking for principal residence at the moment though but consider it my home not an investment.

  10. I did think it was a little bit unfair that you compared a business expansion increasing a stock's value without talking about the property appreciating, leverage, and rents going up over time (unless population or the median/average incomes for your area decline, of course) but I may be biased in favor of real estate XD

  11. Yes I am investing in REITS. Because the dividend is higher than with stocks. Also the dividend is not taxed. Your video is great. But there is a lot of difference between investing in real estate and in REITS. I don't know how they put up with tenants. These people are like gold.

  12. Phil make video on the current market ,im interested in your thoughts ,are you buying ? loading up on any share's? what stocks or sector do you have in your sights?

  13. Phil…. I’m a huge fan and I would literally drink your bath water, but we’re a few weeks into worst bear market since Great Recession and not a peep ??… what’s going on ??

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