Shortages to Grow in this Bullion vs Derivative Price Bifurcation Era

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SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel: Following up on a video we made six months ago highlighting the shrinking supplies of base metals in western world inventories.

This fresh chart highlights how dwindled the inventory level situation still remains at the London Metal Exchange.

Perhaps this year’s commodity price selloffs and relative fiat US dollar strength over the last year have helped quiet this ongoing constraint.

One only has to look back over the past dozen years to understand how supply shortages in metals and energy have happened.

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Original No Metals Supply video by SD Bullion from April 22, 2022

The trends and evidence point to my firm opinion of where this eventually leads. Basically, there will come an era where any large deliverable amounts of either silver bullion and or gold bullion priced reasonably close to spot and/or futures market quotations will not be findable.

Those that are too late will get to own underperforming unsecure ETF slush funds like $SLV, $GLD, or $IAU. Good luck.

I sincerely hope you’ll not be one of them, having secured your prudent bullion stashes before a potential wide-scale physical bullion shortage era arrives globally, especially in the western investment world.

That is all for this week’s SD Bullion Market Update.

As always, to you out there, take great care of yourselves and those you love.
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  1. Nice to see people are realizing gold and silver paper stock is really worthless , your holding the actual bullion but Wallstreet just plays with monopoly money to control the prices the rich are learning to hold it in possession

  2. Good evening James and fellow silver accumulators. This train wreck that has been taking place over the last two years seems to be picking up speed, now. Credit Suisse and the Bank of England are most notable because they're first world institutions but we shouldn't forget Sri Lanka, Guana, Turkey, and Argentina. How we all know this green new deal is bullshit is because the proper school of thought would've been to have the new technology waiting in the wings to replace current energy sources before being implemented. Even the plastics and lubricants are made of crude oil, which will be needed for anything that rolls. And I'm still waiting for that first electric aircraft to roll out.
    The bottom line, to my way of thinking is, this is still yet another oligarch overlord scam for the small but ruling class of billionaires.
    While they will keep people fighting over scraps and petty differences, the elites will eat real steak and not ze vurms. The French revolution was working until Napoleon started invading other countries. And we all know who benefitted from the battle at Waterloo. Banksters and politicians love wars that other people die in.
    To me, the bottom line is, gold and silver are still Constitutional money. That's what I'll be using and the CBDC lizard people can kiss my ass.
    Thanks again, James.

  3. Zell has zero credibility because this whole thing was coming down and covid is their cover up so sick of these people

  4. Hey Sam Zell the fed was not asleep at the switch! If you really believe that your living in a twilight zone because Pastor Lindsey Williams has been telling everyone forever EXACTLY what these people we're going to do to you

  5. They keep mentioning covid. These problems were already there. Remember them pumping the repo markets before covid.

  6. We haven't begun to feel the pain of the actions of the world's central banks. Hold on to your silver and gold and don't sell it to these companies offering $10+ over spot. Eventually these commodities won't be able to be manipulated and reach their true values and your patience will be greatly rewarded

  7. "Man shall not live by bread alone…..". Do you know the quote? Well, man shall not live by paper alone.

  8. Awesome analysis SD Bullion. We appreciate everything. The weekly specials look amazing too. Brittania 2023s look like a incredible opportunity. God Bless ??

  9. some might say that the music isn't fitting in the video reportage
    and some might also say that all this "economic quackery" doesn't matter
    little would you know that all this is fitting based on the fact where as a species are going with this 'monstrosity' system
    thank you James

  10. For boomer stackers like moi who took Latin in school your frequent references to “fiat” brought a flashback. fiat (n.)
    1630s, "authoritative sanction," from Latin fiat "let it be done" (used in the opening of Medieval Latin proclamations and commands). Meaning "a decree, command, order" is from 1750. In English the word also sometimes is a reference to fiat lux "let there be light" in Genesis i.3.

    After the Great Global Reset and the demise of fiat currencies we have hope for Fiat Lux in terms of sound money and prosperity for all your audience James. Thank you for your dedication to exposing the truth about fiat USD.

  11. Things will break then they will break big

    The cracks are showing everywhere in the oil markets In the copper markets the aluminum all of it all of it all of it is falling apart they've manipulated things so bad that there is no real price discovery anymore anymore and when it breaks the metals will go through the roof to find their true value

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