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#Bitcoin #Money #Economy
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  1. Hey Sunny, i have just enrolled using your link for Phemex and the bonus is just $2 not $112 any reason its changed ?

  2. People buy bitcoin on the dips, keep enough fiat in your bank account that you can get through this ‘crisis’ or world situation. Please for the love of god, don’t leverage trade, so many people are getting liquidated. You’ll not only fuck yourself over you’ll fuck your family over. Either HODL or Buy the dips responsibly…

    Btw I don’t hear any panic in this mans voice. There is allot of fear mongering. The dollar will not collapse, fiat will survive, and so will bitcoin. Once this virus situation passes, it will be a huge rebound in all markets.

    Remember don’t leverage trade and get rekkt, if you want to give money to influencers, just give a donation. Your loss isn’t worth another’s gain.

    good luck people!

  3. Hello everyone. There is an ongoing scam by a purported YouTube Microsoft channel (called Microsoft US). Its where apparently you send any amount of BTC and you get double back. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR BTC! ITS A SCAM! The channel looks real, with 500K subscribers or so. But its fake. DO NOT SEND YOUR BTC!

  4. THIS IS WHAT i AM HEARING. They have created this mess to create more debt. Debt supports the system. F___K all of them!

  5. We are in a recession and it will be a depression by next year… The other problem is the OIL War. Huge ! Without high oil prices many countries will collapse for lack of revenue. As long as the Saudi's are at war with Russia we are in trouble. Oil cost 3$ / bl to pump. So we could go much lower.

  6. I would have answered that first question as, "the question should really be, will this cause a recession", and the answer then is clearly, "it most certainly will result in one, if we are lucky" as anyone with an intellect can see that. The question is really, "will we enter into a depression?" (that would get truly scary!)

  7. Bitcoin showed that it failed to perform during the crisis. I am really sorry but we lost. Youtubers dont help either, all you do is try to pump bitcoin

  8. I really don't see the anger and frustration you're seeing Sunny. I think he is just under a lot of pressure and yet sounds pretty calm. He has some facial tics for sure but his voice is too smooth to be angry. Thanks for pointing me to this interview, it's actually a pretty historic sign that shit is really going to circle the drain with the US dollar :S Real question here @Sunny, will the halving adversely affect BTC's real time use functionality? Will time for transactions be too slow to be useful? Because ultimately value expansion requires real use, would you agree?

  9. If americans would just read “The Creature from Jekyll Island” which documents the creation of the Fed, they would know that the Fed is a banking cartel that is in bed with the US Treasury and government for its own benefit – the evidence for this is written in the history books. When their representatives claim that they are trying to help the economy and help people, they are lying. They are in business to create wealth for themselves at any cost to others. Period. We all need to wake up, reclaim control of our own society and economy and abolish this criminal organization along with its collection agency, the IRS.

  10. People are not borrowing money right now…They either have borrowed too much and can't pay off existing debt, or they do not want to get into future debt. Without these parasites providing money for us to borrow, they will die off. DEATH TO THE FED!

  11. Possible down turn to 4k range in the coming weeks,i wait at the site lines. a more conservative target would be $ 1,000 lower from here…

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