What silver bullion coin would you stack if you could only pick one?

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  1. It’s funny, when I first started watching your channel and you said that Maples are your favourite in one of your old videos though you’re from the UK, I thought Britannias were my favourite though I’m from Canada. I was so looking forward to getting my first Brit, and when I did it was everything I hoped it would be. It’s amazing. Then I actually and somewhat reluctantly got my first Maple because I felt like I should. It pops in person in a way that just can’t be replicated through a screen, and holding my first one in my hand immediately pole vaulted it to my #1 spot. ????

  2. Maples or Britanias. It’s hard because maples won’t spot and as such they are the bulk of my stack. But I love history so I’m partial to the Britania.

  3. NZ here .. started my stack with 50 x maples and 50x brits … still buy coins but those 2 are my refinerys main stock .. sister go 500 think ABC rounds off them .. smallest order they would do , so ended up with 25 them … now after about 30months of stacking , only buy at most 5 brits/maples a purchase .. normally get 5oz bar and 3 maples or 10oz (nz pure .9995) and couple coins a time .. just to slowly increase coins but going for weight and diff sizes now .. got good amount 5 and 10 oz bars .. couple 500gm nz pure , and 2 suiss (swiss ) kilos brought of very rich family at spot with no premium .. good deal … i buy abput 2 to 3 times amonth .. even if as small as 1 x 5oz and 1 x brit (one purchase ) if broke thats my 3 buys for month .. lasyest brits all we been getting since xmas .. but maples back in stock now but about $1 25 more than brits … like maples but brits just as nice … not to worried about all diff designs or types coins .. soveriegn is all care about … 5/10ozs are good size for use if $shits …

  4. I live in US and stack Britannias, Austrians, and Canadian Maple Leafs. The premiums are cheaper.

  5. Libertads are my favorite! Unfortunately, they are so expensive! Britannias make up the bulk of my stack. They are beautiful, and more reasonably priced.

  6. Its a toss up between the Philharmonic or the Armenian Noah's Ark. I was lucky and managed to get a couple of the 10oz Noah's from a guy in Northern Ireland and they are just amazing!!????

  7. That’s an easy one for me too, THE CANADIAN MAPLE! I’m in the states, but I don’t like the ASE or the U.S. Mint for that matter. ???????? ????????

  8. Being from the US I would have to say that I would stack the Britannia if I could only stack one coin. I really love the design and think the coin is absolutely beautiful. Second would probably be the Maple Leaf. As far as the Silver Eagle is concerned, I'm ok with it but it doesn't break my top 5 design wise and price wise it's way down the list.

  9. God I hate these questions. Because for me the game is to own a few coins and bars from every mint around the world. EVERY one! The Maple.

  10. Heads up for all fellow UK stackers,
    Had a very interesting conversation with the Indian guy who owns the convenience store in the village where we live,
    A random chat about customers using less cash and cbdc incoming I asked him directly if he will be accepting payments in gold and silver any time soon?
    His reply "absolutely yes, I've always accepted gold and silver as payment for goods but you are the first customer to ever ask me".
    Try asking your nearest Indian owned news agent /convenience store yourself,
    Their response will make you smile and confirm we are all right to stack silver and gold as we have always know.

  11. Britannia is my favourite to stack although I'm finding that some of my coins are starting to tone. Is that normal? I keep them in a box within a box.

  12. Haven't had maples in some time… happen to have 5oz of 2013 coins landing today for the stack ????

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