Why the Price of Silver doesn't matter at all!

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  1. It is a good time to buy silver now. Why? Because it is cheap in relation to the price of gold. Price always matters. The title of your video is so disingenuous that I couldn't watch more than a minute of it. Ask people who bought silver in 2011 if price doesn't matter? Silver is a speculation. You sell it for a profit when you can. Silver isn't something that one holds indefinitely. It needs to be sold when its to your advantage to do so. Gold is the metal to save for the long term. Gold is the king of precious metals and is definitely worth buying and saving for the future.

  2. I will sell my gold and silver when it will back up the new fiat currency After the collapse …

  3. Like many comments I use my stack as a savings account. I watch the daily price because I like to see my savings grow by hundreds of dollars vs the $0.02 my bank was proud to tell me my savings account there earned. Really, that was on my last bank statement.

  4. 100% when the next global crash comes in around a year or 2- silver to gold ratio will be much closer- ,maybe around 40 to 1 – right now its 90 to1 so thats more than doubling of price- which its natural position should be- you cant fake the earths metal ratio- so buy people buy fast – we will never see siver this low again we can all sense the coming crash

  5. My biggest fear is that so much more of silver is used for commercial purposes compared to gold that in a serious global depression there will be little commerce and silver supply will stay high due to lack of demand including it's derived price. I think fractional gold, premiums or not, are better current buys and especially with gold backed bitcoin.

  6. Hello, I am brand new to purchasing silver/precious metals. My question may seem "young", but why are Troy ounces used in metals and regular ounces used in, say cooking or whatever…….

  7. Learn a bit of Tech. analysis, and apply it to Gold and Silver.Can give you guidance on when to buy or sell,if that is your bag. I prefer to hold the metal and gamble for profits with the Jr. PM miners, like EXK,MUX,SSRM,AXU,AUY,HLSAND. SSRM was up 7.5% on 8/23, on a great rally. The little portfolio was up almost 5%, but I have no intentions of selling yet. When I do take a profit, I buy physical with the money. Who wants fiat? name of game is to get rid of it! Case of canned corn beef anyone? Skid of toilet paper? case of Peanut butter?

  8. Sorry Mate, as much as I enjoy your videos, you are dead wrong (as others) when trying to justify a ridiculous upside target in silver only if/when a 'major' catastrophe has occurred. This is absolutely not the way the markets work, and if you were a student of market behavior you would readily know otherwise, there is only 1 variable that is necessary, and that is 'fear', there could be any number of drivers which all the masses need is to 'perceive' or 'perception' of a black swan, which manifests 'fear syndrome', …. bubbles are not inflated by 'catastrophic' events, but by 'fear and greed'… this is market behavior ..don't try and correlate a $1K price of silver with a $25 gal of petrol, it doesn't and won't work this way when it happens, and it is starting…but unlike stocks, gold / silver are still traded as commodities, and the moonshot will not occur for several years, and this is just the way commodities trade for both bear / bull cyclical markets….the good news its pretty much all upside from here…

  9. We can return to a Gold Standard if we know exactly what we're doing. The claim that there isn't enough gold in the world to protect assets or conduct commerce is false. It's not about the quantity of gold but the price. If we manage to get the price right according to the money supply (M0-Base Money, M1, M2 or M3). Then everything will function properly. Jim Rickards has explained this issue clearly in his latest book: The New Case for GOLD. Jim Rickards has said that we will one day see Gold reach $10,000 /ounce

  10. One thing I did was calculate a projection based on the price swings from the lows to the highs in the last financial crisis. Gold went up 5.5x and silver went up 12.5x. If silver ONLY goes up 12.5x from recent lows since the '11 highs, the target is $168.75. Of course, history doesn't repeat but is beginning to rhyme…

  11. Prices won't deter me from buying. I pick up an eagle or two every week. My advice, buy what you can afford and feel good about it. Anyone who buys silver in any quantity is a winner, keep on stacking.

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