Why You Shouldn't Buy Physical Gold And Silver

Should you buy physical silver and gold? In my short seven years as a silver stacker, investing in silver and gold bars, I’ve come to realize that while collecting precious metals is fun and cool, it’s one of the stupidest investments I’ve ever made.

Not only did I get screwed by a “reputable” gold dealer on my very first transaction, but I’ve come to realize that storing and transporting precious metals is more of a hassle than the investment is worth. There are far better ways to buy precious metals, and if you are worried about having to transfer wealth discretely across borders like Jewish people had to during World War Two, well it’s 2021 and Bitcoin has you covered for that (I am not recommending you break any laws!)

Silver stacking is quite simply a thing of the past unless you are doing it as a hobby. The are far better ways in 2021 to make silver and gold investments.

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  1. Edited May 23 2021

    Looks like I’m getting ratio’d by the diehard stackers! ?

    For those of you who don’t know how to read a silver price chart the price when this video was made to now is essentially the same. The general value of silver has stayed the same, the premiums retail investors pay (in other words you) have just gone up. It’s like you’re buying Starbucks instead of Dunkin Donuts – you’re still buying coffee but you’re paying more. Way more.

    Oh, and you could have made WAY more buying other investments. Enjoy your shiny things.

    Props to the guy who called me the kid from phantom menace as an adult. ?

  2. I like gold and silver because it’s still worth something, it looks cool. It’s something that you can’t just sell. It also moves in price along with inflation.

  3. I came to exactly the same conclusion as this until my silver was abducted by aliens during a fishing trip to the Bermuda triangle.

  4. Physical gold and silver isn't an investment per se. It's for when you don't have access to your investments anymore, but should age better than cash in your mattress.

  5. Good stuff…ive decided to get PAXG and SLVT gold and silver backed crypto…its like paper gopd, but its online and you can trade it 24,7 plus if you want it delivered they will send you physical…my only thing is the internet..when it goes grid down, i could get a satellite from elon…so its more convenient other than that…

  6. There's a lot of fraud in the industry but that's true of wall street in general. It's because there are no regulations or law enforcement.

  7. Exactly as previously stated. You dont own it unless you can hold it. I hope everyone takes this guys advice with a grain of salt. Keep doing what you're doing, guy.

  8. Bitcoin is the only way to transfer large amounts of money over borders without payin customs dues. A few years back some guy had lined the bottom of his car with a few million euro in gold bars and tried to travel across the Italian/Swiss border with it. The customs official noticed how the poor car was sagging under the weight, thouroughly inspected the car and then promptly confiscated the gold. You can also sew diamonds in your clothes but the price of diamonds is based on artificial scarcity managed by De Beers. And other cryptos are either scams or can have their money supply increased by a centrally operating company or foundation, same as with diamonds. You can memorize your bitcoin key phrase and travel accross the world with no-one being the wiser.

  9. If your going to buy silver, you should learn before you buy and not blame a shop for screwing you. I just started buying silver two weeks ago and learned as much as I can. I now am buying silver one day and selling it the next for a forty percent profit. Your first mistake was buying bars. Next time, do your homework.

  10. Get off youtube please ? You understand nothing as you just proved in your know nothing video. Not sure why you even started in the first place. Get outta here!

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