Recently, I was speaking with a female client, Donna.
She’s got three beautiful kids, a loving husband, lots of friends, and she recently started her own business.
You’d think she’d be happy, right?
But when she came to see me, she said, ‘Heather, I can hardly make myself get out of bed in the morning any more. Everything seems overwhelming. I want so much more… but I’m tired of breaking my ass every day and whatever I do is never enough.’
After speaking with Donna, I quickly figured out the problem:
She believed that ‘the only way to get ahead in life is to WORK LIKE CRAZY.’
Does that feel at all familiar to you?
The truth is, we tend to absorb our beliefs at a very early age – usually from our parents.
And that’s great, if we absorb abundant beliefs.
But instead, typically these beliefs are more like:
– ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees.’
– ‘Go to school, get a degree, and THEN maybe you’ll make something of yourself – if you work hard and make the right sacrifices.’
– ‘Don’t spend money, save it! You’ve got to be prepared for when things go wrong.’
– ‘Thousands of people don’t even have a roof over their heads or food on the table. Wanting more is greedy and selfish.’
– ‘Owing money is no big deal. Everyone has debt.’
Those beliefs sink right in, ‘programming’ our expectations to ‘low’ and crippling the vibrational output of our minds – putting up a gigantic block to our natural abundance, and literally stealing our prosperity before we even knew it was ours.
And because it happened so early on, we don’t even know we HAVE these subconscious ‘blocking’ beliefs.
Our minds become a jail…
And most of us will die in that jail, without ever realizing we were in it.
My goal for you here is to break you out of jail, so you can manifest the incredible abundance and prosperity that’s rightfully yours.
Here’s a 3-step process to break down the cell walls and put prosperity into action for you – starting RIGHT NOW.
Know that you weren’t put on this earth to scrimp, suffer, and struggle. Be brave enough to expect the best, and know that you deserve it.
We all have a destiny – and the Universe WANTS to provide you with what you need to fulfill it.
If this seems like nonsense because you’ve been living in lack, don’t fret.
That little voice in your head saying’This is bs, money doesn’t grow on trees’ – ha! Did you see that?
That exact kind of thought is a result of your underlying beliefs of scarcity, which are:
– not true
– which you probably absorbed before you knew it, and
– which we’re going to unblock right now as you complete these three steps.
For now, your first step is to know this:
You have a destiny, and the Universe has a plan for you to fulfill it.
And part of that plan is making sure you have more than you need to do what you need to do.
The fastest way to open the floodgates? Expect it to happen.
Don’t just hope; expect the best, and it’ll show up for you in the most abundant manner possible. Your breakthrough is coming.
Now, I don’t mean just plain old daydreaming.
I’m talking about vividly seeing the life that you want, like watching a movie inside your mind.
Here’s a tip: the movies your brain plays translate as previews of upcoming features in your life. So choose the good ones!
If you just can’t summon up a picture of what you want (like if you’re prone to worrying, fretting, and visualizing the worst instead of the best), here’s a handy question to help you out:
What would your life be like, if money and time were no object?
What would you do? Where would you go? How would you dress?
How would it feel?
Imagine what you would do. What you want. And I mean imagine it INTENSELY, at an Oscar-winning performance level.
By imagining with intent and intensity, you utilize the universal language of abundance – emotional vibrations – to invite prosperity into your life.
Your emotions are the lever that moves the world. Whatever you think about, whatever you vividly see inside your head, you draw in more of.
So, if you’re a worrier, a fretter, or if your current thought patterns aren’t conducive to a life of abundance, then incantations are the way to change them.
Not affirmations; incantations. The difference is huge.
Incantations are a technique that the famous motivational speaker Tony Robbins uses to grease the wheel of fortune and open wide the floodgates of abundance in his clients’ lives.
According to Robbins,’affirmations’ are “just words on a page. They evoke no emotional response.”
In other words, as far as using them to call in prosperity and abundance, you might as well be screaming into a pillow – the vibrations won’t travel.
‘Incantations’, on the other hand, are personalized statements that evoke an emotional reaction so powerful that it permanently alters your thought patterns.
So the key here is emotion.
Don’t just say it; FEEL it.
The more you evoke EMOTIONS with your incantations, the stronger your vibrational output is and the more forcefully and magnetically you draw in the prosperity that’s rightfully yours.
Here are a few sample affirmations (yours for the taking):
– Money flows to me constantly; I always have more than enough.
– I am worthy of abundance and I experience it every day.
– I am solvent and prosperous. My life is rich and sweet.
– Money is my friend; we’re always together and always will be.
If you’re still not sure how to turn yourself into a success, money, and happiness magnet, CLICK HERE to see a free presentation I put together. In it, I teach you a simple vibrational technique called’Destiny Tuning’ which automatically triples your vibrational output and forces the Universe to bring in MORE of what you love.
— BigLife360 AI News
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